Thank you again- we intend to keep it if it’s genuine. We didn’t want to worry about hanging onto a repro. We will get the zip fixed and look after it for the futureI remember now. It is 100% original and most certainly not a repro. I am sure it will do well in the classified section here on an online auction site.
Hi Stevo and welcome - that's a fabulous looking jacket you've got yourself there! Not easy to find in a large size either. I would chance my arm and say it looks like it could be a Wareings jacket by the belt loops and the collar hoops - very similar to mine as below. Possibly made around 1940? Although it has a four panel front and Lightning main zip I don't think this was uncommon at the earlier part of the war when there was a tranisition period from the the two peice to four peice jackets. Andrew will proably be along soon and give you a difinitive answer.
Definately go for Peckards - it will transform the jacket, but apply sparingly. It has truly done wonders for my jackets! There is a wealth of info in this thread. Like you I had always had a fascinating for Irvin jackets since I was young and it's only a few years ago that I bought one and began to find out about these jackets which has since become a bit of an obsession. I chanced up this forum after buying my first jacket more or less blind as I knew nothing and poured over every page of this thread as there's som much info and some really knowlegeable people on here - I have learned so much - but so much still to learn!!
Here's a few picks of my 1940 Wareings jacket which I've managed to wear out and about for the first time this weekend after a bit of a cold snap in the UK.
Good advice there and great looking jacket, are you wearing a submariner/raf wool rollneck with it as well? (The dog seems to be impressed too)
Agreed.Cheers Steve - yes I also got a chance to dig out my subs so couldnt resist! That's one of the Picks - mid 60's one I think. Can't take a photo without getting a dog in the shot - we have 7!! A lot of tramping about in fields which is where the Irvin / submariner combination is very handy once winter sets in!
That's looks nice... I have a size 1 unissued Pick bit not a Size 2. tempted!!I Noticed there was a Pick & Sons Sub Mariner Roll Neck Jersey on a well known auction site yesterday for about
GBP £ 69.00. Says it is size 2 in very good condition, made in 1985.
Don't leave it too long, otherwise it may be gone.That's looks nice... I have a size 1 unissued Pick bit not a Size 2. tempted!!