Greetings, I'm looking for a great A-2 22752 and need your suggestions and expertise, please.
It seems Goodwear Leather and Eastman Leather Co. both have what they claim to be exact replicas that you can not tell from the original. Eastman even has a "Time Worn" option to make it look more authentic. Finally, there is a cool looking jacket made by Eastman for Japan based on the darker McQueen version seen in The Great Escape. All seem to be priced within a few hundred dollars of each other.
I would really appreciate your advice on which is better made, more authentic, anything on quality. And size tips, too. This will be a big expense and I can't afford to mess it up.
BTW, I really like the look of the Eastman Great Escape model, but can't get past the Japanese web page to know much about it.
I usually wear a 40R suit jacket, and I want the authentic trim cut... so that's what I'm working with.
It seems Goodwear Leather and Eastman Leather Co. both have what they claim to be exact replicas that you can not tell from the original. Eastman even has a "Time Worn" option to make it look more authentic. Finally, there is a cool looking jacket made by Eastman for Japan based on the darker McQueen version seen in The Great Escape. All seem to be priced within a few hundred dollars of each other.
I would really appreciate your advice on which is better made, more authentic, anything on quality. And size tips, too. This will be a big expense and I can't afford to mess it up.
BTW, I really like the look of the Eastman Great Escape model, but can't get past the Japanese web page to know much about it.
I usually wear a 40R suit jacket, and I want the authentic trim cut... so that's what I'm working with.