Louis Armstrong had a recording fetish with the state of the art Reel-to-reel tape players of the 50s. He not only had an amazing set up in his den (preserved at his house museum in Corona, Queens, btw, should y'all ever find yourselves in NYC-the funky wallpaper, gorgeous Japanese Garden and taj mahal bathroom alone are worth the visit), there were speakers in every room and he would also record parties (banter, jokes, etc etc.) when they entertained.
He also brought one or two decks and a phonograph retro-fitted into a large steamer trunk when on tour (which for him was essentially 300 nights a year or so, every year till the day he died) - Armstrong archivist Michael Cogswell refers to it as Satchmo's "1950s Walkman"lol
For a moment, I thought that Joeri had found a replacement for her thrown-away phone!
But that is just a bit cumbersome...
The portable gramophone is great, though! We tend to use those for picnics around here. I want one badly.
I have an old Rheem Califone phonograph with speaker in the case - like the ones they used to used in public schools. It's portable, but takes AC only. It's supposed to double as a school PA, which is cool, cause it therefore makes a kitschy kareoke machine!
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