Probably it's also a matter of regional tastes: here I remember seeing many G1 knock-offs (mainly in the '80s/'90s), but I saw only one (1) person wearing an A2 (a very good repro btw, seemingly expensive), and two guys wearing B3s (one of them is a friend of mine, and he's not italian!), and...
I'll try, but some native spanish speaker please correct me!
"The berets of the basques and the navarros are wide, aldoneras (?). The ones of the manchegos and castellanos are tighter and flatted. Those are berets of an athletic people, who like to eat and sing; these are of a frugal...
Btw the animated version has been shortened and part of the commentary has gone; the original documentary began with a distinction between the Basques and Navarros, who use a larger, "artistic" beret, and the people of Castilla and La Mancha, who tend to usa smaller, "ascetic" beret.
I've read...
I don't know if anyone already published it, but I found this old spanish documentary on beret-wearing Spaniards in a village in Castilla, "Gente de Boina" (People of the Beret)
also in a shorter, animated version (with english...
Horse-meat is considered "traditional" in some parts of Italy; but, as a lot of "traditional" things, it's infact very recent. Horsemeat butcher's shops were opened at the end of the XIX centuries, with the intent to improve the diet of the worker class of the newly united italian State with...
Italian postal service used to be a lot worst some years ago; you still hear scary stories sometimes, but as for my personal experience, all the mail I sent and/or received, arrived just in the expected time and in perfect shape;
many italian sellers in the Bay don't use Poste Italiane anyway...
Didn't want to resurrect polemics, but the movie has been released recently in Italy and I watched it two days ago.
Well, I like Tarantino's movies but, except for Pulp Fiction, I was not a real fan: but man, this movie is great.
Probably I'm biased cause I'm italian, and if you grown up here...
As for what I see in Italy (sefardi, ashkenazi and the very ancient "italkim") flat caps are all the rage between the youngers, with some rare lubavitcher wearing wide brimmed black fedora... and israeli exchange students mostly bare-headed unless forced!
Thank you Daan!! Much appreciated... I'm a third generation beret-wearer ;) and these photos reminds me of my father... I'm looking if I can find somewhere an picture of him wearing his beret when he was young...
But you can't write of berets in the italian movies without quoting the name of Tomas Milian: cuban/american himself, he worked a lot in Italy in the '60s and '70s, beginning in artistic "essaie" movies with Antonioni, and ending with the enormously popular character of the larger than life...
Because of the popularity of the basque beret as a workers' headgear in the past decades in Italy, it was featured in a lot of movies; particularly in very popularesque, unsophisticated (but funny nonetheless! ;) ) comedies!
Famous italian beret-wearing actors were Enzo Cannavale
Lino Banfi...
In the first picture the soldiers of the Garibaldi guards actually look somehow stylistically italian; particularly the officer (with saber) looks almost like a Bersaglieri officer; maybe it's casual, but I'd be curious to know what they are sporting on their hats!
That's a sight to be seen indeed... I'd be very curious to know about it, does this particular beret have an history? Do Shetland people give these berets only to skippers?
I'm very very curious! :)
Daan is doing a great work in this thread and in his blog, and I personally don't find that this thread is more "commercial" than other threads focusing i.e. on leather jackets:
obviously for some garments we like there are few good and renowned manufacters and/or dealers and it's...
I have one (it's posted somewhere in this thread...) an ex Italian Army one :)
I enjoy it a lot...
one of my friends told me that according to her a trenchcoat is reassuring on a man, sexy on a woman, it makes old fellows look younger, and young guys looking more autoritative...
I add that it...
For what my opinion is worth, I like it, Giftmacher! :)
(but smile a little!!)
All in all, trenchcoat is probably my favourite garment... just thinking to buy one for my brother! he will surely appreciate :)
It seems that what Melegari calls the "berretto basco popolare operaio Pino" (popular worker basque beret Pino...) is obviously and evidently the "Basco Roma" purchased by Baschificio Setti, with another name
(for some reason that eludes me... "Roma" being way easier to remember and more...
I just want to say thanks to everyone for reviving the thread and expanding our knowledge!! :)
It's me, or does the japanese coat seem to have a pocket on the chest, left side? Interesting...
I confirm: these were used till the '40s and after. They are the descendants, via the Renaissance cape, of the roman "paludamentum" and other popular/military cloaks (sagum etc.)
People outside of Italy tend to under-estimate the antiquity and vitality of certain traditions: in my town we...
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