I searched for a topic on eye-wear as a generalization, but couldn't find one, so please re-direct this post if starting a new topic is inappropriate :)
I have a problem where my glasses really aren't remotely 1920s, 40s or 50s looking and this often makes my styled hair look stupid...
Last weekend I succumbed to watching The Notebook. Not my kind of film, but I did shed a tear or two, after I managed to get over the various historical inaccuracies throughout the film.
I am back!
I wasn't sure where else to post this, but my enthusiasm for vintage beauty and make up left me about two years ago. I started dating a guy who didn't understand and kept referring to my clothes as my costume. Even though I explained numerous times that they were my clothes, not a...
The stand up pin curls are also known as barrel curls and as Penny and Frenchy said, they generally add more volume and personally I find them easier to do and easier to mould into a hairdo that I like. With flat pincurls you can curl them towards your face or away from your face, which affects...
You can just paint your nails as though you have a half moon there, as to be honest once the nails are painted red or any colour the natural colour of a moon doesn't become apparent. Or even paint the half moon a different colour as many of the ladies in this thread have done.
I think people identify easier with a show or movie star than an actual era, which is why they often make the comparison. Either way sometimes the comments can be completely inaccurate or utterly flattering.
My very own hair rat is now finished after about 3 months of collecting hair and works so well! Fortunately I am in no sense squeamish about hair that is not on my head. However hair that has is stuck down a plug hole that you pull out with your fingers definately makes me gag *yucky* .
I actually like Facebook, contrary to many opinions here. However this is for the selfish reason that I'm lazy. I find it really hard and time consuming to email or text all the people I would like to stay in touch with. Little things like liking a status or commenting quickly on their wall...
I'm bringing this thread up again because I'm feeling bleh!
For the last couple of weeks I've been working making Christmas decorations on a farm for Harrods and other big shop displays. I haven't been wearing vintage clothes at all because I haven't expanded my wardrobe enough yet to allow...
I have maybe three friends i.e. those I can not see for a year, we meet up and everything's like it used to be, and they don't judge me or my decisions. I have a boyfriend who I'm lucky is my best friend also and many many acquaintances. I like it this way because if I go out I have lots of...
Just to let you know Roxy, I did as you said and it worked! I'm now back to my red, shiney hair! Thank you so much! I'd started debating whether or not to dye/highlight my hair :)
It really is! I get children looking at me all the time and you can tell it's out of fascination and wonderment rather than "Look how weird she looks." With babies they seem to be excited by my bright red lipstick.
I have a question. For the last couple of weeks my hair has looked significantly duller than it ever used to. I'm not sure if it's using setting lotion or to do with hairspray. It might even been because my hair hasn't seen much sun. I wondered if setting lotion has made other people's hair...
There was a guy called "Crazy [not going to say name]" in my University town. He claimed he was a real vampire and walked around in the crow make up all the time. He'd swish his black leather jacket like a cape and regularly jumped off high statues in the area for no reason at all, body...
My house tends to not be entirely messy so I'm fine having guests spontaneously turn up (by spontaneous I mean they have sent me a text/called me to ask if they can pop over later). I always think a little bit of clutter generally makes people feel a little more comfortable. If I...
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