I have a 7 1/2" tall one ( and a 5.5, 6 and 6.5 ones also) and it looks nowhere near as tall. Mine has a smaller brim, which accounts for some of the perception but these look dramatically different. I wondered if a smaller circumference might account for it.
This is really puzzling. These movies probably created more sparks of interest in potential fedora buyers and wearers than anything in my lifetime, except 'global warming', which has produced such abysmally cold weather here, everyone needs a hat.
I have an "Indy" in my collection, a...
Size, etc
Garrett: Not to pester you, but what hat size (circumference) are these? I am just trying to account for how they look so much taller than other toppers. They are beautiful.
Top hats
I agree with Garrett on this one. I think these could be very early 1800's. See this book cited in another top hat thread on crown height here in the Lounge:
Top Hat: An Illustrated History of Its Styling and Manufacture
Nice to see Tim Bender ( get a...
Meeeester Beeeeg
Yes, one of the more famous monocle wearers from my youth. 'Mister Big': the cartoon Erich von Stroheim. Somewhere, he's still plotting against Moose and Skvirrel
These boots are made for showin'
Aaronlowe: Nice footwear. I am partial to the workboots myself. Look for the threads on these here in the Lounge, and the Indiana Jones Alden boots. Many share your enthusiasm. And, of course this is a perfect place to show these.
Monicle moniker
I have one that I haven't had my prescription put into yet. It is surprisingly comfortable to wear. I prefer my pince nez, however, (two pairs, one with the lanyard ring and one without, both 'bifocal') for most occasions where I need to see and still want to have some fun with...
Hooray Beret
I used to despise these. Honestly, I thought they were an invitation to an a-s kicking. Now, I wear them around town in the Winter time when a fedora is too dressed up and a ball cap is too 'slouchy'. They are the perfect 'in between' headwear and warm. I just don't care if...
Bespoken = Be-broken
I admit envy for those who can afford a bespoke suit. On the other hand, it's lucky many of us can get a good result with made-to-measure suits or even the altered 'off the rack' if we are fortunate enough to have the shape for them.
The costs of a bespoke suit should...
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