The universal cure: Alcohol!
Brad: Thanks! I will try this. The flattening is not severe and just needs a little adjustment. I will use the steam sparingly and the alcohol liberally.
Beaver vs silk
The most significant difference between the 'modern' block formed beaver or fur top hats and the silk plush covered pasteboard or buckram hats is the sharp edge where the sides of the crown meet the top of the crown. No blocked hat I have seen has the sharp edge of the silk...
Am I right to suppose that it is unwise to use steam to restore the 'curl' to a top hat brim that has gone flat? I imagine that the steam will fatally weaken the shellacked buckram or pasteboard brim 'core' within, and/or weaken the glue that holds the silk plush to the brim? Has anyone tried...
'Tis the season..
I tried to make sense of the scene by imagining it was summer and JD and his gang were wearing the overcoats to hide their 'heat' but the 'civilian' passersby were also bundled up. Maybe it was unseasonably cold that summer. I assumed (I know I will be corrected, suddenly and...
Which has better (accurate) costumes? I watched "Dillinger" recently and thought the costuming was pretty good. Some of the 'extras', particularly the police, had ill-fitting visor hats, and what on earth are the 'gang' doing wearing straw boaters with winter overcoats? But on the whole, not...
The Vagabond formerly known as Prince
We Yank anglophiles are heartily glad he did. I am not enamoured by many of Mr. Baldwin's other accomplishments,(ignoring the military establishment as Hitler built his own), but that was a great achievement and one, I believe, accomplished against...
The Third Man
That zither music is perfect, indeed. I have the book about the making of the movie, In Search of The Third Man by Charles Drazin. Many of us Yanks think it's an American movie because of all the US stars in it but it was Michael Korda and Caroll Reed's movie. Anyway, I shall...
The Third Man
Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Trevor Howard, Valli: What a wonderful cast: and the time and place:noir to the highest power. You must see it. Loungers who have seen it: Pease post.
Are any other Lounges as enamoured of "The Third Man" as I am? I believe it is the perfect movie. So wonderful an evocation of a romantic time and place... and wonderful clothes. What do you think?
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
I laughed out loud. I think reetpleat makes a good point. Can't imagine The Duke or Clint Eastwood posting here on the merits of spectators or two button vs three button suits and whether fedoras should have a bound brim. But it's fun to imagine. And it...
And...he could wear it underneath his Adam West 1966 Batman suit. Please don't report this on the 66 Batman Board where I post under the same name. (in Jim Gaffogan falsetto: "Same name? Why would he do that? No imagination?"- -Yes, at my age I can't remember a whole bunch of loopy...
Lee Strasberg
I admit the 'chirpy naivete' of the seller's story and responses seemed too innocent, but the story doesn't matter if the item is OK. It looked pretty good and as I have posted, it was my size, which fueled my enthusiastic bidding. To a point. Then, I was content to let...
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