My only minor recommendation at this point would be to shorten up the sleeves ever so slightly (got sleeve garters?) until you have about 1/2 to 1inch of linen showing beyond the jacket cuff, and to leave your bottom jacket button unfastened. Love those flapped patch pockets on the jacket too btw.
"They hated me, they shall hate you also"
"Blessed is the man who is persecuted for my sake"
Fine by me! :D I'm not afraid of a good discussion.
Besides, I'm not the one who brought up religion in the first place, so they at least can't blame me for that.
It sounds like you may be alluding to the typically conflated understanding of what "discrimination" is. Many people confuse discernment with discrimination and claim that taking a moral stand on an issue is automatically equivalent to discrimination, which it definitely is not.
Taking the view...
What I would find also very interesting is the experience of soldiers of Japanese, German and Italian descent who fought FOR Canada and the USA during the war. What a rough experience they must have had! And yet, such soldiers would have been extremely valuable particularly if they could...
People like the ones you describe always remind me of Jesus' own words in Matthew 7:
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your...
If I read your comment correctly, you're pointing out the hypocrisy of people who loudly proclaim their fundamental right to promote abortion or the gay lifestyle, but loudly trounce anyone trying to publicly proclaim their faith in Jesus. Ain't that the sad truth.
You have 100% freedom of...
Speaking hypothetically, of course, since I am happily married, I like tall women just as much as short women. I'm 6'2" so there are few women taller than me anyways, but if a woman was slightly taller I'd be fine with that.
My wife is the perfect height; my chin rests on the top of her head...
As a Christian it saddens me to hear of people going around misrepresenting Christ and acting hatefully like this. The message of Christianity is not that Christians are better than everyone else and that we should go around hate mongering against anyone who isn't one of us. The message is that...
In North America, the term "dress shirt" is typically taken to mean a collared shirt that's worn with a sport coat, blazer or suit. The shirts for evening wear are typically referred to as "tuxedo shirts" and they never have pockets (or SHOULD never have pockets anyways!)
It's part of your unique look. You're not like the cookie cutter plastic ken doll models out there; you have an interesting facial structure. Dramatic, like I said.
May I ask if you do modeling, Hkid? You have a very dramatic, striking appearance and your sense of posing and even lighting and camera work is very good. I could see you being very successful in that field if you aren't already in it.
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