Hmmm, I don't know ladies, I am awfully fond of him you know. I may perhaps consider loaning him out for one Sunday a month...... if that's good with you? ;)
I see that I have already been beaten to it when it comes to Colin Firth as Mr Darcy, but he is rather dashing isnt he? *swoon*
Back off ladies, he's mine!!!
I also used to have quite a crush on Dimitri from the cartoon Anastasia, but lets not go there....... :eusa_doh:
(Sorry the...
Laura Chase and Lillemor, thank you so much for your advice, it has been very helpful. Laura Chase: I live out in the sticks a bit, but I will definitely have a proper look around next time i go shopping! Once again, thank you both!
Do any of you know/ use the perfume arpege?
I was browsing the web for some more unusual/mysterious vintage perfumes and came across this one. However, it is rather expensive and I don't normally like buying perfumes without trying them first. The only problem is that there is nowhere near me...
Oooh, thank you, I never thought of that! It's a great way to save money! (which as a full-time student who can't find a job I really should start doing! :confused: )
oh, i just remembered somone else...
I think it's in the eyes. Plus, he always looks smart - as if he has put some effort into his appearance. And I love a guy in a suit.
Mister Johnny Depp
This thread is so long I can't be sure whether he has been mentioned before - but who could say no to pictures of the gorgeous Johnny Depp? In vintage style clothes? I'm smitten!
I LOVE the suit and hat he is wearing in this picture. Why don't guys dress like that...
Hello everyone!
I'm fairly new around here and even though I've been lurking for a while and have already posted in another thread I felt it was time to intorduce myself. I'm 19 years old, live in the UK and am currently studying animal science at university. I have only just started...
Hello everyone! :D
I'm new to the forum - and to vintage - but I have been lurking for a while and think this forum is simply wonderful.
I just have a quick question for you ladies - since I am relatively new to vintage fashion but really love 1940s style, I was wondering what you...
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