My Sunbody Fine Palm Tear Drop 2 1/2" brim. (I'm not too good at taking hat pics yet) I plan on following everyone's advice and govong the hat a good soaking, tweaking the sahpe somewhat, and wearing it dry. Actualy, it arrived with a pretty good shape on it out of the box...
My old stripes on a crushable "Double S Raider"?.....
My NJ PBA Life Member pin (could have used a watch!) This DP fedora is the reason I found this forum, and started learning.....
Being rather new to the world of hats, and the the forum as well, I hope I'm not out of line here..but...
Sunbody seems to have some nice panama hats in your price range. There's a whole thread about them somewhere here. I just received the 2 1/2 FIne Palm teardrop and am very pleased with...
My Sunbody arrived and I could not be happier! The fit is just the way I like it, ie a bit looser than snug :rolleyes: I'll be wearing this a lot on a sailboat, so I don't mind if it's sitting firmly on my head. I am glad the owner of the store (Blueridge Outfitters, Wharton, NJ) measured me...
Uh - oh!!
That's the one I ordered, but I did it at a store that measured me. From everything I've read or heard about them, you can soak the Sunbody and form it the way you'd like.
I hope so, anyway....
New to this board, but I've got this hat on order form a local New Jersey store
The 2-1/2" brim, Guatemalan fine palm. Tear Drop crease SunBody
Also, thanks for all the knowledge I've gotten here
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