Tasmanian Blundstone Boots
Every time I see someone asking about the quality of Blundstone boot; the conversation seems to go directly to the fact they are made in Thailand and India now, not Australia. Nothing to do with quality. Here is the reference...
This is a thread for Tilley lovers. Post pictures, tell storys, talk about/review the products.
Att: bartenders. If you feel this thread would be better suited in a different area like "the great outdoors" please feel free to move it.
I am looking at buying a new leather jacket and and I am leaning towards a Biker style. Kind of like the one you see House wear in the Fox television show. Now does anyone have any opinions on how a fedora and a jacket like that look together? Sharp? Silly? Am I nuts? Any input would be nice...
Thats right its been almost one year since my wife surprised me with a work of Art for my Birthday. A beautiful Blue smoke crossover I have been wearing almost every day since. Well my Birthday is about a week away and what did I find waiting for me when I got home from work today. My latest...
I have a desk job. The usual problem with a desk jobs is there is little to no natural light....... I don't have that problem. I sit right underneath a sky light. My problem is when the sun comes out on a bright, sunny, cloudless day the sun beams threw the sky light, reflects off the white...
Just looking to see if anyone has any information about Chupallas/cordoban hats? AKA Chilean Cowboy hats.
I was watching a travel food show on Discovery last night and the guy went to a Chilean Rodeo. Almost everyone in the crowd was wearing this flat crowned, flat brimmed straw hat. It...
The only brand name hat boxes I have are two vintage Stetsons a Biltmore and my custom Art Fawcett's. I have far to many Akubra's but no Akubra hat boxes. Does anyone else think it adds to the shopping experience when you get these kind of extra touches? Or am I just crazy?
Does anyone know of...
So what is the quintessential blues brothers hat? For the amount of times I have watched this movie I still have not sat down and just looked at the hat to figure out who makes the closest one on the market. So the question gets thrown out to you guys. What do you think?
Its 29C here in the capital city today (84F for you Americans) and what do I see someone wearing as I head into Canadian Tire...... A FEZ! Yes that's right there is a Canadian out there wearing a navy blue fez with a red tassel. Just had to tell someone. My wife was just as shocked as I was.
Ahh summer time. Most Canadians have been looking forward to these two weeks for the last eleven and a half months. It's getting hotter and old Mr. Sunshine just plays peek-a-boo with the horizon. Its times like this that I think about how well my hat is protecting me from that big old fire ball...
Best Wife EVER!
It was my birthday yesterday. My wife got me some nice presents but the best one is yet to come. She contacted Art without me knowing and got me a hat made up from vintage silhouettes. Just have to wait for it to make it threw Canadian customs. I don't know who is more...
Many times the question has been raised "How do I bash my hat" "Do I use steam or water?" "My hat is to big. How do I shrink it down?" Well how about giving the Monte Walsh method a try. It will help conform your hat to your heads shape and size, make the brim flexible and the crown pliable...
Anyone ever seen these guys before?
they get their jackets made by Vanson
wondering if then are any good. As a product and a vendor.
I read somewhere (here or on COW) that if you remove the wire that runs threw an Akubra's sweatband it helps the hat conform to your head. Am I remembering that right? has anyone else heard this before? More importantly does doing this ruin the hat in any way? shorten its life span?
How about another show off thread.
Some of us go out and buy a style of hat or have one made up because it looks like one we saw in a movie, a movie star wore it, or a relative had one like it. This thread is to show off a picture of your hat and the one you based it off of.
Stargate Continuum.
I saw the movie playing at the Wal-Mart this weekend and saw a scene with one of the main characters wearing a A-2 with a proper military neck clip. The only reason I know about the neck clip (rather then snap) is you guys, thanks for adding to my obscure facts and useless...
New Jacket advise
I am looking at getting a new leather jacket and am looking for suggestions. I have a brown goat Raiders Wested and a Black cow reefer/u-boat/doctor who jacket. My favorite jacket growing up was a lambskin bomber with snap cuffs and leather stretchy waist, because of this I...
All right, with the CFR (Canadian Finals Rodeo) right round the corner I am looking at picking up a Cowboy hat. Yes a traditional cookie cutter cattleman's bash cowboy hat (I know, I hang my head in shame). Unfortunately I know far to much about hats to trust the girls down at Lammles (Think...
Anyone else notice the new product lines from Tilley? Most noticeably is the woman's Casablanca hat. interesting to see how good they are.
I know Art at vintagesilhouettes used to rework hats (clean, reblock, replace lining and sweatband) but does anyone know of anyone else that does it? ...... cheep like? By mail or locally in Alberta is fine. Either way is good with me. I have a Akubra Federation that needs a little TLC. Any...
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