Oh God!!! The pyjamas thing! don't get me started!!! It seems to be the rage over here! Mind you, the only time they get out of bed at all, is to go to get their benefit money!!!
I don't know Rye. Is it as bad as Hastings yet? :p
Yeah, that's a whole new kettle of fish! lol. It all depends what nationality he/she was.
The UK is a conglomeration (my big word for the day!) of English, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish countries. But there are strong rivalries between each of those individuals.
For example..I'm...
All I can say is WOW!!! you look stunning!
I'm so new to the vintage stuff that I'm guessing the era, but the 50's (if that's what it is) is such a beautiful look. So feminine!! :eusa_clap
I tend to think Yank as being slightly derogatory. I'm sure it was originally meant as affectionate, but more often than not it seems to be linked to a complaint about Americans, like the "over paid, over sexed, and over here" WW2 comments.
But maybe I'm just too British, and worried about...
hands off babe!! if they're size 9's I might have them for myself!! HAHA
Hmm Margate is VERY faded grandeur at the moment!
I'm guessing here, but I reckon you're in Lewes :)
That's terrible!!! I hate the big chains! and will always support the small stores whenever I can! I would say "don't give up" but sometimes you just have to do the sensible thing.
I'm in Margate, where were you?
Oh, I say!! I don't think that's cricket. This is a Brits only posting!!! (stomps off in a typical pommy huff) lol
Don't suppose you could whip up a nice latte instead of tea could you? ;)
Love the shoes!
This thread has been a real eye-opener! I had no idea so many guys shave anything more than their chins :)
if it gives you the look and feel you want...then do it. It's your body after all!! :eusa_clap
Just a quick couple of questions for our American cousins...
If you were called a Yank, would you feel offended?
and what term do you prefer: America, US, USA? (is there a difference that's not clear to us Brits)?
I like it with the lines. When people have long signatures, etc, it makes it easier to read individual posts when scrolling.
just a personal opinion though :)
ok, I'm probably gonna sound really stupid now....but aren't Trilby's and Fedora's the same thing, just known by different names in Europe and the USA? :o
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