There's something about Laurence Fishburne that doesn't look silly in a purple suit whatsoever. I wouldn't do it myself, but he makes it look GOOD.
Handsome fella? Heck yes.
I consider it the first episode since it was the pilot that was later considered canonical. I was very, very pissed that the Remastered Season One set did not include it, especially when the disc menus showed "WNHGB" as episode #02. :rage: If they release the set for Blu-Ray, they will either...
Depends what you define as the first episode and if you are going by production order or airdate order (the latter which makes no sense with character development and costuming)... "The Cage," "Where No Man Has Gone Before," or... "The Man Trap." :eusa_doh:
The places described seem little more than where to go because you want to feel like you're better than everyone else. Not my thing. Don't get me wrong -- I can see what the allure is, and it sounded good to me at first, but as the article went on I just started to imagine a stifling sort of...
I agree with everything you said above.
Is this when the fused collar was born? lol Note how, "Your wife just irons..." really dates the ad. These days, you gotta iron your own shirts to be a real man.
Damn, look at them choppers!
I'll add to that, usually a sleeve length on a jacket is measured from the top seam where the sleeve connects to the jacket down to the end. A much more useful measurement.
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