This really sums up well today's culture and loss of privacy:
I recall how, in a big city, many people had to play out private moments in public: a woman sobbing at a pay phone (remember pay phones?), someone studying their paperwork, undisturbed, at the Oyster Bar, before catching the train...
There is no longer a golden era stigma of a lady going out "unescorted," however there is a social stigma for both genders now, it seems, for doing certain things alone. If you see someone eating alone in a non-fast food retaurant, the assumption is usually that they don't have friends. (But why...
I saw this in my local paper and it reminded me of the FL because of the discussions we've had on here about a lack of regard for personal responsibility and respect for authority. It's a response to a letter written by a father who is angry that his son was charged with underage drinking...
Many people can appreciate my living in a time capsule house, my old school interests, way of life. But I don't have anyone near me who lives it. I have friends, and liking vintage this or that isn't a requisite to being a good friend. I like differences. But I do get lonely sometimes because I...
I watched the 1961 version of The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone on TCM last night and hated it because it so brilliantly and tragically captured the fears many women of a certain age experience, although most of us aren't wealthy widows. The acting was sensitive and stupendous and the...
Interesting article:
For generations, firefighters’ first priority on arriving at a burning home was to “ventilate” the house — opening the roof and smashing the upper windows to let smoke escape. They had, on average, 17 minutes to get anyone inside out of the building before they succumbed...
When did we transition from making polite requests and working for what we have, to demanding and expecting things to come to us freely and or easily?
Of course not everyone thinks like this and it's not directed at any one group but culturally as a whole we're spoiled brats.
As Halloween nears, many families will gather around the old television set for the annual viewing of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.” But, one dad says it’s time to retire the classic cartoon because of its taunting messages and unkind words.
“The show is riddled with the kids calling...
I am trying to buy new (not vintage) sweaters for myself and have checked online at almost ever major outlet, even ModCloth. All I am seeing is billowy, asymmetrical monstrosities with stripes, sequins, studs, zippers and nausea-inducing prints. I can't find anything form-fitting and elegant...
I have a vintage pink 60s quilted robe I will wear before, but am using a new bubble bath. I'd like to have some recommendations for vintage bubble baths, soaks and rituals for relaxing in the tub...
I'm really not enjoying Drew Barrymore as Robert Osborne's co-host. I haven't found her commentary on films very interesting or insightful.
Wouldn't LizzieMaine make an excellent co-host? :D
Has anyone else watched her on...
Up until maybe the 1970s, not sure when it really started, women generally looked their age. By that I mean they weren't dying their hair in the numbers we see today, faces weren't puffed up with Botox and Collegen and plastic surgery wasn't as rampant. While oppressive and unfair it seemed to...
Bob Barker hosted “The Price Is Right” for 35 years, but he wasn’t invited to participate in the game show’s 40th anniversary special
MDA telecast raised more —...
That's right. Destroy a lovely vintage bathroom in excellent condition for new and improved ugly banality.
This is directed at those of you who find contemporary culture to be reprehensible due to many things already discussed on the FL such as decline of manners, shoddy merchandise, crummy customer service, bad economy, lack of style, pajamas in public, "reality TV", etc etc.
What keeps you...
When you haven't finished what's on your plate at a casual restaurant, do you ask to take the rest home? What about at an upscale place? Is it in bad taste to do so?
It seems that the only positive adjectives people use online these days are "amazing," "fabulous," and "awesome" although "awesome" has given way to "amazing" it seems.
Do people no longer have a basic grasp of a diversity of descriptors, or do they truly thing that a twitter update or a pair...
There's an obnoxious Vista Print ad that appears on all auctions where it used to show the item location. I never noticed it until now, but I've not ebayed for a bit.
I hate it!!
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