What a beautiful hat, sir! I'm thinking of buying an optimo hat, but this raises another important question: Where do you guys buy your Panama hats these days?
This one is Fed IV Deluxe. After all the padding, the hat looks good, but it's still slightly loose, and I'm afraid even a soft wind might blow the hat off. If Heritage collection Akubras do not shrink that much, I'm afraid Hats Direct exaggerated the size.
From my point of view, however, it is...
This was a really nice thread since its start few years back. Today, i received my first Akubra ever. I ordered a size 59 and was totally shocked when it turned out the actual hat I had in my hands was 60. I sent them an e-mail telling the size was other than what I had ordered. However, i...
Yes, strictly. And since many of you are real specialists on hats, I thought someone might know how the crease will affect to to the height of crown. :-)
In pictures of old days, fedora crowns seem to be always much taller than in hats of today. What it is that makes some crowns to look taller than others do? Is it merely about the crease? And if so, what kind of creases should I look for?
Thanks everybody for the comments you’ve made. I checked the young Danish and Swedish hatters, and they looked impressive, especially Hufvud (the name is old Swedish, meaning “head”).
As for the hat, however, my choice will be the classic Fed IV deluxe, partly because I want to get a Heritage...
Just received an answer from Hattery, and according to them, the measurements are the following:
Squatter = 14.5cm crown with brim 76 x 73mm vs. Federation IV = 14cm crown with brim 70 x 63.
So, Squatter is even higher, and the decorated brim edge looks really beautiful. However, as I know so...
Thanks a lot! I'm not looking especially for an Indy looks, just a tall crown, as I think that was the pre and post WW 2 fashion. To my eyes, it looks like fedoras they sell in the name of Bogart actually do not represent the height of the crown Bogart had in his movies. Naturally, I might be...
Christy's or Akubra: an update to opinions presented here a decade ago?
I’m about to buy an open crown fur felt fedora hat. It’s something I haven’t have ever before. I started googling, and I found that eight or nine years ago there were interesting discussions about felts provided by Akubra...
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