Those canes look so beautiful, they remind me of Igor's walking canes, have you seen those? They are hand carved and absolutely beautiful just like the ones you are showing here. The second cane left to right almost looks like one of his canes... check it out I almost think is the same cane! My...
I like the painting, it looks like a remake of the famous farmer couple, I can't remember the name of the artist right now, of course, the style of the one you have on your avatar is a completely different style than the painter I am talking about, yet the composition and the theme look similar.
Probably, I would say I was not in doubt until a conversation I had with someone who pointed out all the reasons why they thought it didn't fit me, hence the reason why I came here to get some help from fellow hat lovers
Thank you everyone for your support and welcoming messages, I love hats and think they look so cool, that is why I started wearing this hat, a friend of mine gifted me a hat last year and that is how I got started, then I purchased a hat (the one on my avatar) it's a whool hat so here in FL it...
Thank you! I was told the crown was a little tall, when I bought the hat I was told a taller crown is better for round faces? I get mixed opinions. I like how it looks, but I was told it didn't fit my face by a family member so I want to find something that is "correct" for my face. Maybe my...
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