All I can say to that is when I see a gentleman who's taken care with his appearance by adding classic/vintage touches I'm tempted to let him know I've taken notice. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, depending on whether I feel I can express myself in a sincere way that won't come across as...
If it were me, I wouldn't bother seeing the Redford version at all. Not quite sure if it's the film itself, or something to do with the casting, or maybe the general weirdness of period drama of the 1970s, but nothing about that movie makes me want to see it again. I'd prefer to watch the 2000...
Sounds like a fun project to try. For Christmas I got the turntable that converts records to mp3 files, so that's how I'd get all my scritchy scratchy big band tunes in the system.
Fizzy drinks are a rarity for me, but that proper Jamaican ginger beer that makes you simultanously sneeze, cough, and get a stingy nose is fantastic. Plus the licorice soda I recently had at a licorice festival was lovely - like a rootbeer absinthe cocktail.
I'll have to go on a walk with my camera then. ;) Meanwhile, for Mr. 1961 I'll suggest have a look at Mesta Park, Jefferson Park, Central Park, Paseo, and maybe even Heritage Hills.
Sorry, that was directed at Skyvue.
The area between NW 10 and NW 50 is a good place to look, from 2-35 west...
A nice compromise between a shoddy modern apartment and a rental house would be a vintage four- or 8-plex. They can be found in the neighborhoods north of downtown, where they were built in the 20s and 30s for young singles who commuted on the interurban. If I found myself having to live in an...
KHmm. I'm not sure what to make of your exploration of OKC, other than it making sense that you'd look for a home close to where you'll be working. As a longtime resident of the inner city uptown 'hood allow me to encourage you not to limit your search to the suburbs. There's a lot of life in...
It all looks lovely, and not costumey at all. I vote for the printed blouse and mary janes, just because they're what I'd like to wear. Black stockings would pull the colors together nicely, but would also have a more formal/evening wear look, so maybe stick with the tan ones if you want that...
From the look of some of the women I've seen lately who've put themselves through extreme cosmetic surgeries, they're well on their way to becoming plastic dummies. ;)
Not to mention the photos of women in magazines were real photos, with no more re-touching than what was available at the cut-and-paste desk. With today's extreme digital manipulation and morphing of women who are already beautiful into impossible shapes and proportions, how can the...
Since ditching cable last month, we don't watch nearly as much of anything, movies included. I have, though, seen my first Bollywood film, thanks to the Mr.'s boss lending us a dvd of "Rab Na Bana Di Jodi", a romantic comedy that I seem to have enjoyed more than many of the IMDb reviewers...
It really does come down to your 'costume for your life', doesn't it? Some people do their everyday business mostly attired in contemporary clothing, but have amazing and accurate vintage looks to put on for certain occasions, while others tend to carry a vintage presence wherever they go, even...
We're in Vegas for the weekend, having left the child home in OKC. It was a worrisome afternoon and evening, to say the least. Very sad about Woodward, which was decemated by a tornado in the 40s or 50s. Fortunately, things have cleared up now, till the next time.
This has been an interesting and informative thread, for a woman who has just completed her 'concealed carry' certification. I haven't yet purchased a weapon, but have tacked my bullet-riddled paper target guy to the front window as a warning....
You know, like on facebook, you could just 'like' a post, showing you acknowledge and appreciate it, rather than offering in depth discussion (if you, at the moment, have none to offer).
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