Just finished "The Cat's Meow", which I had seen before, but not from the beginning. It's a little slow and disjointed, but certainly a compelling story, and what aficionado of the 20s wouldn't enjoy the lush sets and constant background music?
I just got home from the mall, which is far from my favorite place, but not too bad on a weekday morning. Managed to get a pair of nice sweaters from the Liz Clairborne dept. at Penney's, but in general, the things I saw were disappointing. The lame, all-over-the-place-but-suspiciously-80s...
J Crew and Banana Republic always have some classically stye
led apparel. Also JC Penney offers nice sweaters, particularly by Worthington and Liz Claiborne.
(And now I'm in the mood to shop....)
I think I only saw the British one, and just for a few episodes, as I also can't bear 'reality' shows. I mean, if they were truly real, they could be interesting; it's all the over the top added drama, that you just know has been taped and retaped for maximum effect, that puts me off. In fact...
Done in Australia? But it's a British program, right? We watched it for a while; those girls were right slappers, weren't they? On the one hand, the whole idea of Miss So-and-So's finishing school to learn flower arranging and how to receive posh eligible bachelors at a dinner party seems so...
Kitchen, with metal cupboards in dire need of repainting. Also, that electric range was an early 60s model, that has since been replaced with a smaller hand-me-down gas stove.
Dresser and stuff.
Before and after of my studio space (one of them, anyway).
I added two of the Flaunt palettes, one's larger, with eyes, lips, blush, and powder, plus fold out make up cards with tips for different looks. I think ThemThereEyes chose the smaller one, which may only have eye shadows. There's also a mirror attached to the flip-up lid. I found several...
The box is on its way to Texas, should arrive in a day or two.
The counter clerk hefted it onto the scales and before even looking at the weight said, "you're getting your money's worth out of this box." To which I replied, "you said it, sister."
Super duper bathing costume, Flicka!
And Grant Fan, I adore that dress (and the print, which reminds me of a charming vintage wall paper); it's one of my favorite styles, as it's so flattering and easy to wear.
Gosh, this thread makes me wish a. my sewing machine worked, and b. that I could...
My selections:
Other 'easy' curling devices haven't worked for me, but after seeing talk of the spoolies on here, I was happy to find a bag of them to try. (Guess I'll put off a haircut for a little while.) Several foundations that I've been wanting to experiment with, eye...
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