The brim is more curled up on mine, I guess that's what they're like when they're new. It made me feel like Yosemite Sam so I flattened it out a bit yesterday. The pickups on those Goths (both Gibson and Epi) were designed with metal in mind, so it will certainly make blistering distortion sound...
I don't really have a stage outfit anymore. People often think I dress up for stage with my waistcoats and boots and hats but in reality these are just my clothes. So yes, it will probably see stage time. :D
Joao, nice bash! Did you flatten the brim a bit? That black Lester Polfus, and the...
My Sombrero got here. This is not a subtle hat. It is wild. Something like the deranged mutant wide-brim offspring of a top hat, a bowler, and a wallaby. The crown is enormous, gave it a tugboat crease to bring it down a little. Still tugboat-sized. I love it.
Pics included.
My hat's somewhere at our postal services…postwoman wouldn't hand it over to my wife today, and it won't be available for pickup till monday…oh the agony…:p
Brian, if that's you in your avatar, it's always good to see another hat wearing guitarslinger. :D
Not sure what bash I'll give it yet, telescope crown is the first thing that came to mind, but I'll know for certain when I see the hat in person. I asked for the roo chinstrap, these big brims really like to go kiting…I'll post pics when it gets here.
That looks very good indeed! I did check them out last year, contacted Thomas, ready to buy, and he sent me a gloomy message saying he'd stopped making custom hats for the time being. :(
So I went with the Fed IV instead. Good to see he's back in business. :cool:
This is a phenomenon also known as "natural selection". :rolleyes:
I know the comments and looks can really be rough and hurtful sometimes, but it basically boils down to what YOU want to do. People have the right to an opinion, just as you have the right to ignore it and exercise your...
Don't get many reactions these days with the fedora's.
The Western is a different story, ever since I shaped it plateau-style and stuck a big white feather in the band, I've been wearing it nearly every day to work. I've seen people nearly walk into things staring at my hat. The sheer...
I've read through the many rules of hat etiquette (European and Western, they're a bit different) since starting to wear hats, and will apply etiquette except where it will make no sense anymore. Examples: I've stopped taking my hat off in elevators because people will step in real close and...
Thanks for all the kind comments. Joao, I don't like feathers either unless they're outrageous like this one. Aside from being a small tribute to SRV, it also makes it look vaguely like a musketeer's hat, which is a very European thing. East and West coming together in Rock 'n Roll, I like that...
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