Well, I know how you feel about things being dark and twisted; that's more or less our current style. In fact, someone recently told me that us nihilits, or otherwise us dark writers, are part of a new "movement" in literature. Someday, you and I might be looking back on textbooks detailing the...
Just read this and thought it was interesting. Thought you folks might like to see it.
Does the average American student have less vocabulary today than in days gone by?
I'm a writer, and certainly not in the vintage sense. I'm more along the lines of Chuck Palahniuk and the rest of those brutal nihlists.
However, my current novel is a comedy and I'm definitely trying to break my own mold, so I suppose we'll see how things turn out.
Oh yes, I agree and to further your point, I think agnostics (or atheists, or those of faith) can use this same concept to challenge the way they identify miracles.
I'm sure we're all aware that some people require a vast and evident change to identify a miracle while others only need so much...
Sure buddy, just drop down to the corner of West 54th and Penn Ave. There's an old warehouse on the corner with a truck parked out front. Go to the back and walk down flight of stone steps until you get to this big iron door. Knock three times, wait a second and then knock twice. When they open...
I just read this and was going to post it. It’s kinda charming…in a weird, apartment/condo sort of way.
HAHAHA lol I think you have a point, there!
Haha, seriously…you guys are killing me!
I thought I would drop some more for you, too:
"Man Makes Guillotine, Uses on Self"
If you're waxing sarcasm, take into consideration that those who live in Iowa can attest all too well (much better than my friends out in Sunny California or Wonderful Washington), when it's been snowing hard for three days straight, when it's so cold you have to kick open your car door every...
Besides the exclusive, rich person's clubs in Des Moines (and there are a few, some quite old) there are two decent clubs of which come to mind.
There is one in a suburb called Tini's which ATTEMPTS to cater to a high-brow, jazz friendly group, although, as has been mentioned in previous...
Speaking of the Muslim faith...
I have an anecdote I'd like to share with you folks and this ties in with religion as well as Ramadan.
When I was a student at Iowa State University, my roommate came late in the first semester. He was a 15 year old Egyptian boy majoring in some pretty heady...
Sin, I think you have a good point about the suspenders; I hadn't thought of that. Guys like McCain shouldn't even consider it. Maybe Obama and Edwards could handle it.
I think you're also right about the gray suits, however, it's along the same lines as what you said about coveralls; I think...
Rooster, I don't think that's a revolver; I think it's a cigar.
When you mention the inside button on a DB suit being done or undone, are you referring to the invisible button that's literally inside the coat after closing the front? Or are you referring to something else?
And when left...
Personally, I would tell my candidate to avoid a few things (beside the current standard, drone look):
1. No sport coat/trouser combos. If it doesn't look totally disorganized, it looks a little too casual. I realize that may seem obvious to must of us, but it shouldn't go without saying...
Geez, how about:
"Zoo Sells Gorilla's Art on eBay" Hey! I think Da Vinci is quite good...I resent that remark.
"Pants Found on Street with $41k Check" Yeah, you really don't want to know where they found his car keys. :eek:
"Father of 78 Aims for 100" Didn't a famous rapstar (ODB)...
Favorite sandwich, that's a toughie. There are a few that really do it for me. I'd probably have to go with either the philly steak and cheese or a reuben.
But it is tough to choose.
I just thought I'd share some great news headlines from the day. Honestly, how cool is it that you can turn on the news and feel like you're living in a comic book?
Of course, all of these are tragic and I'm not making light of others' misfortunes. However, it's simply amazing what goes on...
With the developments and comments on the recent thread Dress Like You Want to Be President, I think it would be interesting to brainstorm a little on our own. The members of this board pride themselves on good taste, good style and good manners, so I believe we ought to start a wave of...
I hate to say it but he probably will. I'm guessing Edwards will too. Hillary will wear one of those beige suit jacket tops with a skirt. Or blue, whatever.
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