I don't usually by things that don't fit me, however, when I find something that is a size 6 that fits me and looks even marginally ok on me, I am definitely tempted to buy it!! I'm an 8 normally. Or a 10. :)
Thanks for that article! Hm, we should move this discussion to the bakelite thread. Anyway, I will have to pipe in and agree that the bracelet looks to be a copy. I think it might actually have been made by Classic Hardware, which means it probably is still worth about $75 retail...
Yep, I sort of pouf the front up a little to get the desired wave at the forehead, then under. I don't lay it flat though, I roll it up to give a little volume.
When I had longer hair, for a Gibson all I did was teased the heck out of the part I was going to roll, sprayed it, then teased it some more, until I could just roll it in on itself and pin it. Didn't take much. :)
Continuing the :offtopic: theme...
A friend of mine sold his entire huge star wars toy collection for a relatively large sum of money, not having bothered to pack and weigh the package. To properly pack it all he ended up spending more on materials than he made on the sale. D'oh!
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