First, to address the name-calling business...if you want to come across as a professional, you act like a professional. Although you may be on a first name basis with your butcher, that doesn't mean you're on a first name basis with your bank manager. However, should he suggest you call him...
I would have to agree with Gene here. It's one thing to starch a liner - and a totally different beast to actually apply glue to the felt. Whereas on one hand the worst case scenario is a fouled liner, the other scenario is a fouled hat body.
How to Win Friends and Influence People was a popular book by Dale Carnegie in the 30's and 40's - and remains popular to this day. I wouldn't say his ideas were necessarily a "philosophy" of the times, but they certainly helped shape young professionals.
I really wish I could contribute to the discussion, but I can't name a single movie that's my "favorite" anymore than I can name my favorite book, author, album, band, composer, etc.
I can tell you Bing Crosby is my favorite singer...but that's not exactly a movie favorite. [huh]
The Integrator, for sure. I love my hats like I love a good pair of boots. I do what I can to maintain them, try to avoid hurting them, but sometimes they're gonna get a little dirty. Very nice story, Scotrace!
What caliber is that FN Browning Model 1922, WaA140? That barrel is interesting.
I really like the Austrian StG.58 - is that auto, burst or semi? (looks auto) And is it 7.62x39 or higher?
I have to admit, this was a pretty funny run down of the movie. I haven't seen it, but it's probably not too far up on my list anyway. I agree with AmateisGal that the book is probably better.
I think the ONLY SINGULAR UNIQUE time I watched a movie that actually fit the book to the letter...
Honestly, I hate cell phones with a passion. Don't own one, don't plan on it. If someone needs to get a hold of me, they'd better be good at smoke signals or telepathy. If there's an emergency, it's survival of the fittest. If my .45 can't take care of it, and my hands are all busted up, and...
Honestly, I thought I was some kind of obsessive compulsive jerk for this! Those are also the first two things I notice (unless they're wearing a hat, and they never are).
What kind of shoes are they wearing? Are they polished or tattered? Leather soles? Laced and how are they laced? Are...
Fortunately, that is your opinion on the matter, and I commend you for your leniency.
On the other hand, I would very much be interested in knowing if the hat I'm about to throw $180+ on is going to shed powder all over my nice white shirt, stain my one-of-a-kind vintage suit, sully my Irish...
I'm clear on the quality thing now, thank you. I agree as far as Akubra not caring and thus not using powder - but doesn't that lead us to wonder whether using powder to even color inevitably harms the quality? I would say if Stetson still uses powder, they are harming their quality. Then again...
Incredible! Let me get this straight - I should take anything a hat maker says about modern Stetsons with a grain of salt? lol Well, with that line of logic, I might as well not bother consult a mechanic about my car and eschew my doctor's biased opinions about my health. :eusa_doh: If you're...
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