Support my Paris trip!! :)
This is absolutely false. You clearly hang out with the wrong people. lol
I don't know what the best place is to live and work, but being a city girl, I'd probably cast my lot in with LA or NYC. Culture, hustle and bustle, something to do around every corner. With LA you have to drive, but...
Thanks! Well, there are no curlers in my hair. The hair is just rolled up and pinned - like a pin curl but sticking up to add volume. The hair on top and on the sides framing my face are all rolled towards my face, and the others were all rolled under. That's it!
Oh ok, I don't know if there are formal book swapping rules somewhere out there in the ether. lol. But a successful book swap might go on indefinitely, no?
I have to say, wanting to wear your fedora all the time doesn't mean you're treating it as a costume. I have plenty of items that aren't unusual, like purses, or shoes, that I like to show off as much as possible. It doesn't mean I don't truly appreciate the nature of the thing.
I'd still respond and post the response on the auction. Maybe post a link too, to something similar for a similar price.
Sometimes sellers DO post things that aren't worth much for completely ridiculous prices. These potential buyers you're dealing with probably think you don't know any...
Maybe your prices are high [huh] Respond that it's rare/collectible.
Remember, a lot of people are on ebay to get a bargain, not to pay collector's/dealer's prices.
I believe most styles were based around a cut called the "middy." There was some discussion of this here:
This one's good too:
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