Women in the workplace! That's the cause of it all. That and craven middle management. Time was, an overactive bladder in the morning meant a spot on the unemployment line by noon. Now everybody's humanity is catered to. Faugh! No wonder we don't Make Things in this country any more!
"This Television Ghost...Stalks Up and Down the Wave of W2XAB..."
That right there tells me it's the real thing.
But nothing more. Just a random clipping washed up on the side of the information superhighway. That's always the way, isn't it.
Jumpin' butter balls!!11!
He sure was. As creepy as I'd imagined him.
First, thank you for remembering this thread! Second, where did you find this??? Looks like the New York Times. Was there anything more on the TV operation along with it?
You know, W2XAB itself is an unquiet ghost. It went...
Who Cares If It's Bix
What A Day / Alabammy Snow - Mason-Dixon Orch., 1929.
2 very enjoyable cuts, by Frank Trumbauer's ten-tet out of the Paul Whiteman organization, that nobody's probably sat down and just dug in 3/4 of a century. Owing to the phenomenon of "Bixing," they are fit only to be...
Consider too the '36 Pontiac - not as popular with the rodders. First year for the Silver Streak style.
This guy is restoring his coupe and blogging about it.
3pcs are out there. They're beginning to infiltrate TV news, I notice.
There are affordable ones, but they lack good cut. They're the slim-cut imitation designer look, or the boxy, low-end Italian style that never seems to go away.
The hardest suit to find with a vest is a DB. Even in the 30s...
1937 House Party
is an iTunes playlist I made for the party we had when the City Council decided not to tear the place down. Shuffle play...
Things Are Looking Up - Isham Jones & Orch. That slow choir-like sound of his early 30s band.
It's Swell of You - Teddy Wilson & Orch. Helen Ward, Hodges...
The perfect is the enemy of the good.
-Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique, 1764
First prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. Get the picture? You laughing now?
-David Mamet, Glengarry Glen Ross, 1992
At least The Times is changing its focus on vintage ways and goods from creepy, mole-like urban obsessives to happy-go-lucky hipsters.
Altho I doubt we're going to see a funky wind-up-phonograph hootenanny in the foreseeable future - as far as consumerism goes, the dorkiest writer is still...
It's been my conviction for quite awhile now that US anti-horse-processing laws have very little to do with animal welfare and much more to do with animal rights - ie, a human conceit held by ideologues who don't care about cruelty to animals nearly as much as they do about humans "using" them...
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