If you want to read a scathing satire of academic post-modernism and deconstructionism within a fair-to-middling murder mystery, then I would recommend to you _Book, A Novel_ by Robert Grudin. There is one chapter in it which is the minutes of an English department faculty meeting in which the...
The final scene in _Oh What A Lovely War_ where all the men of the Smith family are relaxing in the sunshine on the grass unseen by the women of the Smith family who are pic-nicking next to them. The camera slowly pans back and they all gradually disappear amidst the 22,000 white crosses...
I believe the German name for the hat, "S?ºdwester", derives from the name of the German colony, Deutsch-S?ºdwestafrika, now known as Namibia. Given the climate there, the hat is appropriate.
I'll admit to one. I thought Simon and Garfunkel's _Scarbourough Fair_ was from the movie, _Rosemary's Baby_. It was obvious afterall. Wasn't the song's refrain, "Can we save Rosemary in time?"
Charles Lane is not only still alive, he's still working! According to the IMDB, his last credit was in 2006. He is also a Firequake survivor.
I also recommend www.jas-townsend.com. I've found their goods and service to be good value for many years. I bought some of their clothing over the years and found it to be well made. I particularly like their 1790-1810 waistcoat. Depending on where and what level of society you seek to...
Maybe the people behind this remake of _The Women_ are hoping for a Maltese Falcon Trifecta. After all, a musical version of _The Women_ has already been made back in 1956, _The Opposite Sex_...
As for remaking _Midnight_, can't they at least release a recording of the original? Any movie...
Welcome. I greatly second the idea that you need to address the length and quality of your commutes in your decision of where to live here. Long commutes will wear on you cummulately and will eat into the ammount of free time you have to spend. That being said, if your wife is going to be...
Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, George Sanders, and Basil Rathbone have already been mentioned. (I will remark that George Sanders also provided the voice for Shera Khan in Disney's animated _The Jungle Book_).
I would also add Raymond Massey to the list. Besides his roles as Phillip the...
A book I would recommend which is full of recipes from the 1920s-40s is _Dining By Rail_. It is half a history of the American railroad dining car and half a cookery book with recipes listed by rail line. It makes a big point that for most of the US, the railroad dining car was the only...
You do get quite the moire effect with all of those parallel lines. However for true eye-clashing disharmonics, you can always rely on plaids. I would nominate an outfit of bias-cut trews in Macmillan combined with a short jacket in Buchanan.
Verily, the Clash of the Tartans.
Another occassion in which you will see formal whites and swords on US Naval officers in during commissioning ceremonies. Back in 2002, I did a double-take one Saturday morning coming back from the farmers' market down by the Ferry Building in San Francisco. Standing on a street corner...
A question for those of you who have lived in Santa Barbara, (or at least at UCSB), to be combined with the longing for a full English breakfast: Is there still evidence of a significant British settlement in Santa Barbara? It used to be quite substantial. It was a regualr port of call for...
I've just started Wm. Dalrymple's _The Last Mughal_ which I picked up while in Edinbrugh a couple of weeks a go. While it is about the fall of the Mughal Dynasty in the conflagration that was the Great Mutiny of 1857, it is also about the City of Delhi that existed at that time. In the...
What I hear a lot from people who have moved to the San Frnacisco Bay Area from other parts of the USA are variations on the theme: "Where can I get real [insert favourite ethnic cooking] like back in [where they moved from]? A very common reason for regional variation in ethnic cuisine is...
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