It's like any other classic label.
When it comes to new stuff, you have to look and see if they are just coasting on the name due to rising costs or just laziness and undiscriminating buyers.
For the non-aficianado, like you and me it may not seem a big deal. Trust me though, the first...
I've got short fingers, which is why I like flat mainspring housings, short triggers and slim grip panels on my 1911's, you can drop the trigger reach by a good quarter inch plus that way. Throw in a deep beavertail and a munchkin can get a good firing grip.
That's one good thing about some...
Just remember that it is "The Fedora Lounge". Keep the gun posts within the board rules and context (vintage related, non-political) and within the relevent threads, not scattered hither and yon, and we will be good neighbors and avoid bothering the folks who don't care for them.
This is...
Given the fact that both PR reps and journalists are notorious for talking about things they have -zero- knowledge of, I'd guess it's 37mm shells.
Even if it was an actual gun, there's no earthly reason to blow it in place and make it even harder to pick up the pieces. Just tow it to a scrap...
Steve Jackson of Battlesuit, Ogre, GEV and soooooo many other great table toppers.
I was actually talking Ogre with my brother-in-law's brother over the holidays. Real flashbacks.
I've been carrying 1911's for almost 20 years now, about 16 of those daily carry.
Mostly my Series 80 LW Commander. I had a fluff and buff done a week or so after I bought it, which I do to every gun I plan to carry, no matter the action type or manufacturer, but it hasn't been "heavily...
Ruger took the Luger grip angle for his .22's.
It places the hand/wrist at more of a "saber grip" angle.
Conversely, I find the 1911 grip angle to place the wrist in a "punch" position. Also a very natural pointer.
Like a focussed "Stream of Consciousness" thread.
That should end well.
Negative Nelly :D
I like my adventures modular, structured and referee'd. And I want a helper monkey.
I have to say, looking at it from an outsider's perspective, that was probably a bad thing to have happen.
Do you call a specialist to make a tree fall on your house?
I suppose the pro- and anti- gun divide is large enough on this board without introducing the Glock / 1911 schism.
I will just take comfort in knowing that, while you are currently in error and at risk of your mortal soul, in time you will return to the one true faith. :D
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