Can ya really pin things down based on the male actors' "period" western costumes?
I realize the perspective on that period changes-- for instance, they got to be rather tall men in the Gary Cooper/ John Wayne period.
"Dorothy Comingore, mentioned upthread, isn't likely either. She was brought before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1951, refused to answer questions, and never worked again."
===== But the Comingore theory is based on a 1940 film.
Jane Russell had a nice girl side too-- she was...
This photo was on the pay site Trainorders, after being given to the the Union Pacific Railroad's archive. A western movie or TV show was being made [EDIT: it would seem] and some railroad officials joined the actors.
Some claim the lady in the dress is Jane Russell, and the movie would be...
(Re Haspel bow tie for $7.99 at Burlington Coat Factory, Fullerton CA)
The first one I saw must have "wandered away from the group" (it was at the front of a peg with a couple hundred four-in-hands.)
This time I went over to the tux area and I found about 25 patterns of Haspel, in clear...
I hate to admit, that either I didn't notice, or I don't remember what I noticed! (It wasn't in colors I liked, so I just glanced at the brand name and price.)
The radio team of "Conway and Steckler" are reunited on Friday editions of the Tim Conway Jr. Show on KFI. Steckler said/ranted (approximately):
At least this Charlie Sheen debacle will hopefully put an end to the Frank Sinatra 1950s Swinger Hat... raiding the closet and putting on Grandpa's...
For the first time, I've seen a self-tie bow tie at a Burlington Coat Factory (Fullerton CA). A Haspel three-color stripe, for $7.99. I wonder how many more will turn up...
I saw a silent comedy with husband and wife trying to put something over on the visiting mother/mother-in-law. At one point in the hilarious hijinks, the blonde wife is shoved into a closet.
Later, Mom, looking under a too-short room divider curtain, thinks she's seeing the husband bravely... will also convert a long tie-- for $30 (the same as if they made a tie from their own material.)
Under Holidays/4th of July, they have one called Ben Franklin, which has more than stars... but no stripes.
Shows from the quirky comedy series "Vic and Sade" (right now, circa 1939.) In the "Hats" forum the question "Does this sort of hat look good on me?" comes up often, and I just heard an episode where Vic has turned up (once again) with a wide-brimmed hat, even though Sadie keeps telling him...
After "The Great Gatsby" movie was released (1974) there was a TV commercial which showed a good number of genteel folks of the 1920s in their mostly-white summer clothes, enjoying the afternoon at what looked to be a grand, park-like estate. (Or a grand, estate-like park.) Croquet, lemonade...
John Reynolds the guitar/banjo whiz wears one every so often. Being a slender guy, he looks good in light-colored clothes, so that might be a factor in his choice.
But I think he claimed his was a skimmer-- based on the width of the brim. Others disagree about that issue.
I remember ushers...
Which reminds me-- I've found myself thinking of Oliver Hardy when using ATM's lately. Now that most of the option-selecting is done with virtual buttons, on a vertically-mounted screen, we get several chances to try Ollie's "stand aside and let me show you how a door-bell button should be...
How would you describe the hat Dwight Frye wears near the beginning of "Dracula"?
Seen in this clip at 2:15--
Fits right in for 1931 (well maybe not in Transylvania!) but would look a bit outmoded by, say, 1938, right?
The Ditty Bops:
(and it's not hard to find photos with just one or the other in male garb)
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