I don't think not talking or talking is really a norm in any time. There's people who do and people who don't. My grandpa (born in 1930) never shut up. He probably talked ten times as much as my grandma. My dad on the other hand (born 1961) can just stand there for hours and maybe say one or two...
Men who still have the mindset of sixteen year olds and think everything is "gay" unless deemed otherwise by some supreme masculine source.
People who call other people "boss."
The term "man cave."
Titles being replaced with new words because the previous one was somehow sexist or...
Cold, depressing, "day-light" fluorescent light bulbs. They are harsh and uninviting, it completely confuses me how anybody can actually like them.
After my grandpa died I removed the wallpaper from his "TV Room", which was only covering one wall, and it came right off with a few pulls. I...
Still gottem' here! Well, two anyway. And of course once you're done eating your grease dipped cheese burger and chocolate malt, you can head over to the outdoor movie theater a few miles down. Sometimes I love my city!
Unfortunately, they want to knock down the theater... there are rumors...
It kind of worries me. I write almost religiously in a journal, and a big part of why I do it for my descendants. I'm a big diary/journal fanatic. I find them fascinating, and I'd like to provide something for the future generations of my family of what my life is like, what type of thoughts I...
Don't know if this one's been said: Hand-drawn cartoons. Almost all of the cartoons I watched in the late 90s/early 2000s were drawn out, but now they're all digital.
This tread reminds me of the AT&T (I think) commercials with all the thirteen year olds telling they're younger siblings how "different" things were in "their" time, and how "kids these days have it so easy!" I love those ads. It's true though, things are changing at an incredible rate!
Well, my ideal breakfast would be:
1 glass of either tomato or orange juice. (What the heck, though 'em both in)
1 cup of coffee.
2 poached eggs.
2 pieces of toast.
2 (which will most likely turn into five after I eat the first and see only one left) link sausages.
A nectarine.
And, if...
I respect you for how you worked and the tough times you went through, but I have to ask how many people actually say "you don't know what it's like?" I find that unbelievably ignorant.
As for complaining, it actually does some people feel better. I feel awful if I bottle up everything inside...
Yeah, it's an excuse, but it's also the truth. It's not something I just pulled out of my backside.
I don't believe I'm entitled to a job at all; I don't believe I'm entitled to anything. I haven't don't squat to deserve anything at all, I'm 19.
As for the fantasy world where people can have...
I agree that our expectations are too high. We want more than we can have. That how a lot of us were raised, though. It's especially difficult when your parents go on and on about how in the seventies they could leave high school and get their own place with mediocre work, or quit one job and...
What's your taste?
The ceiling is nice and tall... well, half of it anyway. I'd put some big, potted plants in there. Maybe a couple of palms or something. Also, some nice,older looking rugs. Darker, heavy furniture, too would add to the effect.
I'm generally an extroverted person (if I have small doses of people; put me in a crowd and I tend to gravitate towards the wall) and surround myself with very openminded people, but no, I don't really share that much in common with my friends. I have maybe one who really enjoys the music I...
I honestly think Betty had no other reasoning for sleeping with Don than to mess with his head. She has a massive love/hate relationship with that guy, and wants to torment him as much as possible. She wants to tease him and make him fall in love with her, all the while making it clear that she...
I personally think this is somewhat trivial; we have more important matters to worry about than whether or not people should be allowed to wear SS uniforms at WWII reenactment events. There are much more important things happening in the world...
Reenactment events all together, despite how...
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