It's not bad, Vermouth is long been consumed as a stand alone aperitif.
If you have access to a liquor store that carries Carpano Antica sweet Vermouth, give that one a try.
A dash of absinthe in a Martini was not that unusual. You can even see it on Jeeves and Wooster.
It's more likely FDR used one of the American substitutes such as Legendre Herbsaint, or Jung & Wulff's Milky-Way, Abson, Green Opal, and so on.. back in the day they were more readily available.
A P-38 Lightning winding up those turbos, though I've often wondered what a pair of Merlin engines on a P-38 would have sounded like.
A nice Sazerac, or a glass of 1930s or 1940s Herbsaint works too. ;) and if Kate Bush was there to share a glass....
I don't remember if it was the French aviators, or some other group gave Lindbergh the leather jacket, since he carried no other clothing except what he wore on the New York to Paris flight. Lindbergh even trimmed the margins on his maps to save weight on the flight.
I believe Lindbergh got the jacket after making it to Paris, during the short time he was across the Atlantic, before "he found a Battleship was waiting for him".
They are both out on DVD now.
The bad news is they don't hold a candle to the BBC Jeeves & Wooster, and don't even come close to the books.
No hallucinations, that is a myth. You drink ten or twenty glasses of any booze, like Verlaine, or Wilde, and you'll see things too. :p
Undiluted, absinthe is indeed a high proof spirit absinthe. The high proof is necessary to preserve herbal content.
When one dilutes a shot of absinthe in a...
Knowing what is in Mari Mayans, (and there isn't much there) anything you would have seen would have been from the alcohol, not from it's very minimal herbal content.
They really shouldn't let them even call that brand absinthe, since it's little more than a Star Anise bomb. which isn't much...
Considering Mari Mayans contains little more than a massive dose of Star Anise oil, and a tiny amount of steam extracted herbal oil content, that would be impossible. Plus a lovely neon green artificial colorlol
Other than high alcohol content, there is no psychoactive component in absinthe.
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