In a certain place in my heart, if that's worth anything.
You know, I don't have a lot to go on besides YouTube comments these days, but I never did sense much smirking irony among the showtune fans. Many, I feel, are earnest in their love of the music, but they came to it thru Camp - which is...
I had forgotten the discerning, yet passionate, HadleyH, and am regretting doing so!
Anyway, you might be right about the discog nonsense. With a lot of guys it gives a sense of ownership and mastery - especially if you collect things for the only he-man reason, which is completeness, cornering...
I second the vote on the Werber - at least until you put on 5 pounds or the zipper goes out. And it will go out - the metal parts are soft and the twill tape loosely woven.
Doesn't matter. I still love mine.
Walk with trains, don't lose the common touch.
What is it that keeps people from educating just a little about their enthusiasms?
No sooner do you push play than you have a "heritage unit" waved in your face. So to speak.
The guy is actually engaging in self-parody. Too bad he's not...
We're good.
If you can do it, it ain't posing. But being able to do it is a whole other thing from being able to convince someone else to pay you to do it.
Nice to learn there's no depression in Sweden.
I've worked 18 years in the family business. Among my responsibilities are copywriting, editorial services, and yes, "farting about with digital design."
I also only agree with about 80% of If. OTOH, I can sing the tires off On the Road to...
You are on fire today young lady. And I don't say that to patronize. You take an elephant-in-the-room, dress it in rhinestones and scarlet and let it trumpet to rattle the windows. It needed to be said.
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