Would that be four? Those pictures above are enough to stop me from watching the movie. Well, almost as I will probably torture myself in the hopes of salvation. I grew up watching the Green Hornet and had the car dolls and the works...lol
I truly hope that those are practice shots and the...
David, you may wish to check out this thread it has lots of comments, ideas, thoughts and opinions on caps.....plus some pictures
I applaud your control and cheer your saved hat.
My favorite place to head for breakfast has a older coat tree which I have only ever seen used by the few who wear a hat.
A Bank lobby is a public space by definition when concerning etiquette. Of course seeing how I live in Wisconsin I think I'll have to hit every bank in town while wearing my largest hat. See you there Pduck!
I was in want of green....but somehow I don't think the ribbon is really blue, though blue would be nice. To tell the truth i didn't think I would get this hat at what I offered. It just happens that stingies are going for quite a bit less than the larger brimms.
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