If the site has been excavated, researched and recorded in modern times then it is doubtful that the location will be forgotten. One has to bear in mind that England is rich with Roman sites.
A protected / scheduled ancient monument should be just that - protected or at least have its interests overseen by the DCMS.
My hometown was the site of a large Roman settlement and subsquently the site of the first Christian martyrdom in England. A large portion of the Roman town was...
The number of buttons on hunt coats generally tell a story:
3 buttons - normal hunt subscriber
4 buttons - Master
5 buttons - huntsman and whippers-in (hunt staff)
Specific hunt buttons are an honour awarded by the hunt Masters for assisting in the field, service to the hunt etc...
The black one is a heavy woollen hunt coat which could be 50-70 years old.
The tweed is basically a similar frock coat cut and was bespoke made for a member of hunt staff around 30 years ago.
Hunt coats are still constructed in the frock coat style much as they have been since the 19th Cent.
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A couple of my contemporary shooting jackets
I have caps, breeks, trousers, coats and caps in matching tweeds too but often wear the jackets on their own. These and the above probably look a bit crumpled but they have had heavy use out in the field.
Although I don't have time to pull and photograph a lot of stuff out of my wardrobe or vintage collection, taking the sports (or sporting) coat theme literally while going off on a equine tangent..
My Grandfather was an antiquarian book dealer from the 1920's to the mid '60's so in my formative years I was surrounded by ancient tomes. I may take a photo of one or two if I get time.
Good points Alan. Many of the smaller museums operate on a shoestring surviving on much volunteer effort, However as many area museum services provide good conservation advice, workshops and services it is painful to see exhibits in some places being not only poorly presented but also with...
I to have bought from this seller too and found them to be ok. Shouldn't be difficult for them to provide some kind of provenance if it came from such a close relative though.
I recently read The Horse in the Furrow first published nearly fifty years ago and concerns the history, use and decline of the Suffolk heavy horse (Suffolk Punch) .
I have just finished re-reading the Norfolk Fowler by Alan Savory published in 1953 which is an account of the authors...
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