I have a Film that I purchased about five years ago from JJ Hatters. Great hat and one of my favorites. Would anyone know the felt blend or dominant felt? It is so very soft yet holds its shape well. Thanks to all.
Many thanks for all of these recommendations. I may just enjoy the hat--flop and all.
It is wonderful to have you all as a resource.
I also just posted my avatar image; yours truly with the Stan the Man statue in St. Louis, home of my beloved Redbirds, albeit now a long distance from me in...
Greetings. Was hoping someone might assist. I have searched here and elsewhere on Panama hat care. I have a beautiful 10 year old Montecristi from Panama Bob. It fits perfectly. Yet it seems to be developing "wings" along the sides of the brim. I have tried to iron, steam, tea kettle, and starch...
Very much enjoy reading about Resistols and have learned much. The first hat I ever received as a gift was in 1981 and it was a "self-conforming" Resistol fedora made for Eddie Bauer, with a pheasant feather. I still own it and carries much sentimental value. It set me on a path for other hats...
I have several caps from the Ideal Cap Company. They make fine caps. As a St. Louis Cardinals fan, it is a pleasure to see they make the cap worn by Dizzy Dean and others from the Gashouse Gang. They also are supplying, I believe, to Dugout Memories, another fine company that seeks to preserve...
Greetings to you all. I've been following FL for more than a few years and have learned a great deal from you experts. I am so very far from your expertise however. I was hoping one or more of you could assist on a Borsalino dating and material question.
I was in Vienna Austria in 2005 and went...
Greetings to you all. I've been following FL for more than a few years and have learned a great deal from you experts. I am so very far from your expertise however. I was hoping one or more of you could assist on a Borsalino dating and material question.
I was in Vienna Austria in 2005 and went...
Mike et al:
I second everything that has been said about Garrison hats. I just received mine today. It is well made, beautiful to look at--but not so beautiful that you worry about wearing it. It is, indeed, a hat that fits the IJ character. As well, David Garrison and his wife, Jodi...
Greetings. I am pleased to own two Cervos--and one Cervo fashioned by Worth and Worth. I purchased my first circa 1997--a grey Cervo called "Viareggio." I then purchased a Worth and Worth "Siena" circa 1999, apparently produced by Cervo. Most recently, I purchased a Cervo from Delmonico--a...
Greetings all. I am brand new to the Lounge and the forum. I very much enjoy following the various posts. I have a broad Borsalino style and dating question. I own a Borsalino purchased in Vienna, Austria in 2004 at Oberwalder Wien ( a wonderful hat store). It is grey, with a lapel cord...
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