Well, we have the very same superstition here in Italy, so it has to be even older as, like many other superstitions, is common to different peoples and cultures.
The cat-crossing-the-road, for example, is as old as ancient Greece (I've read it in some greek author, can't remember who), as...
Personally, I'm not that much into jeans.
Sometimes I wear them just for the change, or cause I'm feeling patriotic (as general Garibaldi wore some "genoese" denim trousers during some of his battles, they say)
but they feel somehow unconfortable to me: way to rigid e stiff (yes, I'm wearing...
My opinion is that A1 design was introduced in Italy by Regia Aeronautica pilots in the 30s.
I remember I've seen photographs of italian air force pilots wearing A1s in that period (the age of Balbo and trans-atlantic flights) curiously alongside genuine italian jackets (the so-called Marus...
Some WWII italian flight jackets:
famous auction site :) :
(this one has front pockets with the entrance on the side of the zippers; I've seen the same on japanese jakcets)
Many others here...
Hi everyone!
It's been a long time since I've been here last time... well, lots of problems, but's ok.
The jacket underneath the kapok vests (seriously hated by italian pilots, and replced with less bulky german stuff on a regular basis)
were called "Marus", form the name of the firm that...
I'm so sorry for the delay!
I've searched on the net but could find very little, if any, useful info.
The italian Carabinieri site was much more informative, in its historical parts, about uniforms in various eras, but Police's site is wholly different.
Also, it seems to have attracted a...
Talk about cultural differences.
In Italy, especially in some parts like Puglia or my hometown Parma, we normally eat (also) horse meat.
It's not that we hate horses! :)
Simply it's a traditional food, so of course there is horse slaughter.
There's even a horse breed in the countryside...
I'm trying to find something, as uniformology isn't in my competences.
As for what I know, Polizia became a civilian force in Italy very lately, maybe in the '70s;
during WWII it was a military force, just like Carabinieri or Guardia di Finanza.
So on the lapels of Polizia's uniforms for sure...
Well, living in country where the majority of people is formally catholic (while being zen buddhist myself)
(the real majority of italians, at least in central-northern Italy, almost never enters a church unless it's Christmas or someone's funeral or they want to admire some work of art like...
I always had the impression the us italians can stand the cold temperatures much worst than others.
My impression grew reading threads like "what sort of a flight jacket weather are you having" and so: man, I can tell you that Irvins and B3s (at least, their copies), as well as really heavy...
I always had the feeling that corduroy was for us italians what tweed is for the Anglo-Saxon world.
I mean, at least to me, corduroy means warmth, old-school, and coziness.
Corduroy is also the fabric you see used in old hunting jackets (the italian type, with a huge back pocket closed by...
Interestingly (at least for me :) ) enough, same generalization in the use of black berets happened in the Italian Army in the '70/'80s raising the same reactions.
Beret never was an italian military tradition; only italian tankers adopted balck berets during WWI for matter of praciticity and...
I've read only today, sorry!
The movie was Le rose del deserto (the roses of the desert), director Mario Monicelli; derived from actual war memories of the writer Mario Tobino.
Another one on the same subject (war in Africa) is El Alamein.
I myslef haven't seen the movies, which is a shame...
Well, just today I passed in front of shop in my town - obviously it sells clothes... almost all my foreign friends wonder about how many clothing shops there are here :rolleyes: -
well, this one usually sells that kind of thing that young "fashionista" guys, a common species in my town, use to...
I hope your friend will enjoy his italian tour! :)
I'd suggest to stay away from tourist-trap restaurant and pizzerias in the centre of Rome, and obviously there are many shops selling overly expensive things from firms like Armani, D&G etc., mostly remains from last season.
But, whit a...
I scored POLAND!
It asked me a final question, to choose between "desperation madkes me stronger" and "uniforms are cool", probably cause I gave both the same rating.
I choose the first, and so I got Poland instead of Italy :)
I definitely like the khaki, "colonial" look, and I'm considering buying a "sahariana" jacket (italian pride plus family memories :) ) , obviosuly I'm going for a repro cause originals seem somehow expensive on eBay.
I don't mean to hijack the thread or to go off topic, but I've read about modern average sizes being different from WWII era.
From an italian point of view this is surely true.
Recentely an italian movie director, and WWII veteran (he's a very old man) made a movie based on the north-african...
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