All true. Where you will run into trouble is trying to bring those worlds of full bespoke and plain ready-made any closer together than they have been before. You're up against the math and the mindsets of people who really cannot relate, and the mindsets affect the math just as much as vice...
That generation wasn't meant to rebuild. They were brought up to make do with a worn-out world. Not to rebuild. Then they were trained to conform and destroy. Not to rebuild. And when they got home, they learned to conform and destroy in more peaceful ways, and to build. But not to rebuild...
Quite right. With jackets, even things like lapel width and shoulder shape have to conform to current fashion, or they can't be made at a popular price. Any vintage features have to be strictly add-on.
All you need for a pleated back is more material. But think about a new lapel shape. It would...
You said a mouthful. If you work with your hands and are good at it, your personal interest won't extend to things like reaching out to new customers who can't afford The Best. That's marketing, and it implies you take no joy in the product or craft.
Sorry gents. I really thought the comment would be taken in context of that "rawboned, suntanned era," not applied to Loungers in the here-and-now. Not my intention.
I'm 5'11" and somewhere north of 200#, okay with my shape, but maybe a little too okay with it.
BTW dhermann1, I will be in NY...
All he's doing is keeping standards. And narrowing his market, and inviting competition.
Repros could be copied closely. It's just that there usually isn't enough incentive to do it. A 40% price hike could be someone else's incentive.
It's an odd phenomenon: a pleasing color combination that went out of style. It wasn't overused by any means (try finding a blue/brown vintage tie. bet you can't.) It just sort of went away.
About the brown suit/blue shoes illustration: it's a joke. The old saying - 1950s to '90s anyway - was...
As someone who's considered a career as a plain-language advocate, what really chaps my breeches is that a needed service is not valued and is being obsoleted.
Business, government, medicine, law all lament the lack of good clear written expression. But organizations rarely spare the money...
Does your crowd
a) not know the word?
b) know it, but don't hold with that kind of talk?
c) not consider it particularly pejorative?
...or d) think it has to do with cats who have ear mites?
The only rule worth remembering is never wear blue shoes with a brown suit.
(Original by Oxner, Apparel Arts, spring, 1934. The shoes were originally brown, the tie burgundy.)
Put up yer Dukes!
Barnstormer pilot John Wayne trails a skywriting extortionist in the serial Shadow of the Eagle, 1932. Here he is menaced by a posse of well-suited bad hats.
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