There are variations an all positions but I sorta liked a sitting position knees drawn up, elbow on each knee and instead of aiming in front as in the picture you aim 90¬? from front. Good support. Kinda comfy as I recall all those decades ago....
When you see some of those car crashes today you wince but we must realize in 1959 most of those dime-a-dozen Model As were just old cars. The word classic connected with cars didn't exist.:)
Ah Pilgrim so true. I grew up in the climate of St. Louis that gets all types of weather and vividly remember that the 40-50s Chrysler products all suffered from dampness. The adults would all say how they didn't start easily or misfired when it was wet weather. That stuck with me for life...
I was simply curious to see if anyone actually used the E85 from anywhere. Since they're advertising the vehicles that can use it I wonder since I haven't seen any stations in the L.A. area pumping it, not that I've made an exhaustive search.:)
Matei- same for me generally. I'm told 5 freeze ups on the same computer that runs about 12-14 hours a day for last 5 years is too much.[huh] But I can attribute those and slow downs to attempting to multi-task between too many tasks.:) I do the same stuff with my new machine with 2 gig RAM...
Check since they have parts for nearly every car including complete engine rebuild kits. They have a complete online catalog and they'll send you a printed one free. If you are wondering if you should buy a 1948 Pontiac or 1954 Henry J because there might no be repair parts just...
Yeah those old TV shows feature alots of actors before they hit it. Alyways curious. And the suits and clothing variety has also been quite interesting too. And the cars speak for themselves!
At home I finally settled in with, for me at least, the most stable Windoze yet- XP. Only had it freeze a handful of times in 5 years. When I was in the printing/graphic design industry Mac dominated as the best combination of platform and software. No professional used a PC to design. Of...
Just curious if anyone out there uses it regularly. It's not super available in the L.A. basin but is more widespread elsewhere. Also how much hassle was it to get your vehicle modified to use it? I know while its a bit cheaper and doesn't use as much refined petroleum the mileage is like 73%...
Here's one soneone may want...
Hey Dixon can you use the "manage attachments'" feature and upload images from the desktop? Mine has never worked and I have to stick everything on Photobucket:(
Matt that's a good observation. For years I have felt Hollywood has been biased against womens' roles relative to leading men. We can name the last couple decades of starring men of large stature but women are shortchanged in being used in decent leading roles.
I have a sense that the...
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