i have electric, but i would love a wood stove again. we had one growing up and my mother & grandmother cooked everything on it.i don't know how they managed to regulate the oven temperature for baking, bu:) t i loved the coziness of it
Wow!! that sounds like my kind of fun John! AS i said, I was quite the Tom boy back then and i could have sworn we were friends:) ! I still indulge my love of playing games in the woods with a rowdy game of paintball once in a while:D
i was pretty much a tom boy growing up. I played with my uncles old hand me down toys, i really loved his G.I. Joe set. He was also heavily into the cowboy & indian role play, which is not very p.c. these days:o , but there you have it.
My fav toy was my imagination, i guess. I lived in a...
when i was a wee lass, i believed the whole world was like that. And in fact, my little corner of the world pretty much was. I think if we really want to have this kind of existence we need to get back to simplicity,trust and a wide eyed wonder of life.
Awww.. That is so cute! That reminds me of a tan version i have languishing in my basement:( a friend of mine moved to China about 5 years ago and gave me the coat, absolutely perfect condition but it about a size 6lol
It fit me then, but 3 years working in a pastry shop has taken its...
...and now for the worst egg dish in history!!
When i was pregnant my husband( who is a chef if you can believe it) made me a version of heuvos rancheros. The secret ingredient in this case was red/green tomato chow chow....not recommended:(
wow!! cute stuff ladies. I have been working feverishly this week to get some new hats on ebay, but so far i have been outbid for everything i have gone for:mad: And as i am getting ready to move, I am too poor just now to up my wager... so i keep putting my measley bids on other ones!
If i...
right now just a tupperware container in a plastic shopping bag. I have been considering a retro inspired lunchbox. WE have an adorable candy store here that sells a bunch. If i had one, i would use it.something like these:
the BOGO sale was on when i bought mine, that was a few weeks ago, but that's in Canada. It might not run at the same time down there!I have never thought about ordering online..Boy, I am in trouble now!:D
Me too
I also bought the black mary-janes with white trim! I also wanted the ivory w/ black trim mary-janes but instead i bought these "champion" flat brown shoes kind of an athletic shoe but mary-jane shape. I thought they would be good to walk to work in, but the strap keeps coming undone,so...
Just wanted to wish all my friends here a very happy & safe Thanksgiving weekend. WE had ours already last month, but my husband being a Yankee, sometimes we celebrate both. This year we are in the middle of a move:(
But, enjoy your turkeys and your families & whatever else you have planned!:)
I actually uninstalled my norton '06 about 2 months ago, and downloaded avg free instead, even though i had paid good money for the Norton. I couldn't stand it anymore.There are 4 of us in my house that share one computer and there is someone on it almost around the clock. We were all fed up...
good luck to you on that one.I wore fake lashes once. I was going to a party for The opening of The Rocky Horror Picture show, and went in drag( i guess it can't be technically called "drag" if you are already a girl, but you get my meaning.
I had such a hard time with the glue.I got one on...
wow, i really need to start watching t.v. i guess.i am scrolling through this thread and realizing i don't watch any of the shows mentioned here!My husband always tells me that i need to watch some current television just to keep up with pop culture, but a person only has so much free time...
Yup, me too Miss Neceerie:o ..it's a day off, and i am doing laundry)ok, theoretically i am doing laundry) In actuallity I am drinking coffee and playing on the computer:p
I am wearing black capri yoga pants, pink beach sandals and a blue cotton tee-shirt with a picture of a grizzly bear on...
Unfortunately, i have no pics right now as i am moving and everything is packed! I sewed a pair of pink priscilla curtains while i was waiting for my adopted son to be born. WE didn't know if our new baby was going to be a boy or girl, but i had a very strong intuition that it would be a girl...
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