Ok, so my pic is fuzzy. Sigh. Self photo with a cell phone, the digi cam has gone MIA. GRR I'll try at a later date for a clearer shot. I was getting very annoyed. lol.
Ok, here is my latest attempt with my shortened hair. Figured it was close to something now to put in here.
and this one is ...I'm sorry officer, was I speeding??
I've heard mixed reviews. I've seen it at the theaters. I liked it, plan and simple. Reese and Joaquain (how ever you spell his name, makes you wish he's go back to being Leaf instead) did great tribute performances!
Hello, I'm Jonny Cash!
Wasn't sure where to post this, I figured this was closest. It vaguely reminded me of the one red dress BegintheBeguine purchased from Miss_Bella_Hella.
This is the one that got away for my daughter anyway. She has been into formals so much lately, like she has any where other than here...
..And I keep going back to a certain mart waiting for the wedges to go on sale or a good shoe sale to happen so that I can get them for me and my kids some shoes with out feeling guilty...lol
Ever since I first discovered and fell in love with the Monkees in the 80s I have been wanting to see Head and have not bean able to find it anywhere. I heard it was a flop, watching the VH1 Monkees Day Dream Beleaver movie they mentioned it was a flop, that they created it while high, but I...
The only real routine I have is on Sunday, when I am not at work. Get up, get the gets up, cleaned up, dressed, yell, scream fuss at them and my mum, ship all three out the door to church. I relax for a few minutes and enjoy the silence. Clean up any mess made during the night from my moms...
AAAAWWWWWWW!!! He is so precious Nikki! And they grow up so fast! I've been kidnapping my ex's daughter every now and again cuz but drat her she's gonna grow up too. :rage: She looks a lot like my little one people always thinks shes mine...tee heee..teee heee....doesnt look anything like...
This ties into vintage, well, because tales of Big Foot have been around forever. Seems that he may not be mythical after all, just endanagered. :eek: lol
Well, according to MyHeritage face recognition when I ran this pic
the Golden Era celeb that was listed was Fay Wray
Hey, at least we're both Fay's (when I was little, most of my friends never got the "th" out when saying Faith, so I was always Fay)
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