Those love letters are so sweet!
Something slightly similar that I hope comes into my possession someday is an old photobooth picture in a little tin frame of my grandparents in the 40's. They look so cute, and my grandma looks quite saucy! My mom always makes fun of me because I wear my...
Story of my life! Then again, my eyes start to bleed if I spent more than an hour browsing on Ebay these days, so I'm sure I'm overlooking a lot of goodies.
My name (Meredith) was most popular during the 80's. Surprise, surprise! It was also popular in the 60's and 70's, and a wee bit in the 40's, but the 80's wins!
Oh, it also means "protector from the sea". How ironic, considering I'm terrified of the ocean!
I originally got into vintage through looking at 1950's dresses. That was the most accessible to me when I was in high school. I still love 50's for the casual looks (I own about 5 billion plaid button down shirts), but I also like a little glamour now and then!
The 40's is my favorite...
Oh no! This morning I was trying out my full size tube of Red Velvet for the first time and it was not what I expected at all! It was so dark! I'm thinking that maybe the samples I bought had been incorrectly labeled...I remember being surprised that my Red Velvet sample was so bright and not...
I really want to check out Ultra Lux! I'd love to have a proper pincurl set done.
The last time I got my hair cut, I was talking to the stylist about vintage styles and he asked if I wanted pincurls put in. Of course, I was super excited. But after 45 minutes under a dryer he just brushed it...
I'm probably gonna try out the sugaring method this weekend. I have some Sally Hansen microwaveable wax but it's super sticky and messy and gets everywhere! And trust me, that can be super frightening when you're waxing your bikini area!! :eek:
I never knew putting your purse on the ground was bad luck. Maybe that's why my co-worker always freaks out and moves my purse when I leave it on the ground? I just thought she was a little nutty!
Ooh, I absolutely love the 2nd one Pink Dahlia!
I have only one hat, but haven't had a chance to wear it out so far. I'm in love with hats, but kind of clueless as what would look good on me.
My eyebrows are gigantic if left untouched, so I keep up with waxing and plucking as much as possible. I definitely inherited my dad's brows (which look like two giant hairy caterpillars hanging out on his face!). Yikes!
Unfortunately though, it's impossible to put an arch in them. I manage...
You're always so helpful Daisy, I really appreciate it! And duh, why didn't I think of spray under my hair either!? Logic escapes me sometime!
Never made it to the beauty supply today (laziness took over), but I'll probably go sometime this week to get some more stuff to play around with. My...
I bought these little Seychelles 1 inch loafer type slip ons!
My roommate has the cutest vintage pair that are very similar. Hers are better, but these are pretty cute too. They'll be perfect to wear with jeans.
I'm in love with the blue taffeta dress, Shearer!
Yes, I have but when I brush it out it tends to go POOF! If I use a bit of de-frizzing stuff it calms down to nice soft waves, but it disappears even faster if I do that. I might try pincurls this week, maybe that will last longer? I think I also need to try a different setting lotion because...
Same with me! I think it might be because I have such a low tolerance -- I don't have to drink nearly as much as most people do to feel the effects, therefore I get less dehydrated, etc. Then again, it's nearly impossible for me to drink without getting at least tipsy, so it's not always the...
I forgot about that Tootsie Pop thing! That was SUCH a big deal for me as a kid. All my friends and I would go to the corner store after school in elementary to buy Tootsie Pops, just to find the indian with the star. I don't think I even liked Tootsie Pops, I just liked winning free things!
Okay, here's the #1 thing that's been drying me crazy! When I wet set my hair (I use Lottabody with sponge rollers) and sleep in it overnight, it's fabulous the next day. I brush it out slightly, spray and go. But by the end of the day, it's usually half dead. If it's still going strong, by the...
That's my fear too! I'm only 5'2" and desperately afraid of looking even shorter! The only 30's item I own was hand-made and actually the shortest dress I own, hitting right above my knee. I suppose I could always get things hemmed.
I have always wanted a gorgeous long 30's or 40's evening...
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