But people will. Just because Big Brother might be watching you doesn't mean that someone with a talent for hacking couldn't falsify records and thus create a new identity. If someone wishes to do it, they will.
I do see your point about being outcast, Fletch. I suppose it was the fear of the...
Neither have I but I might if it means I get to wear a horrid flouncing frock! lol
RedPop, my tongue was a little bit in my cheek back there. I have been around enough fora to see all of those things happen with alarming regularity and I always say the same thing; people will be people. Of...
Unless of course, they happened to have monikers such as Lucky, Scarface etc ;)
Too true. I do think we have an overblown romantic vision of the past. I for one don't want to have to 'make do', worry about being bombed or be expected to spend my waking hours working my fingers to the bone...
Thing is, before transfats were invented, people did fine. There were still plenty of yummy and healthy foods around, so I don't really see why they are needed except for reasons of turning a profit. Or am I oversimplifying things?
I'd love to see a return to 'proper' food. As I've said before...
Some of my friends keep telling me I should get a Myspace account to support my work. I see this as possibly a good thing but as for baring one's soul to a faceless public....not my thing. If want people to know things about me, I'll tell them when I'm ready. In the olden days this was called...
Oh dear gods, I feel ill now :(
I think it's worth pointing out that certainly for Italians (I can't speak for the French), yes we may use quite a lot of olive oil (not so much butter - only certain parts of Italia use it) but our diet in general is much, much healthier. Pasta, polenta...
I agree that it seems that we are always being told what we can't do and I do agree that people should have the right to choose but the fact is that they generally choose to do things that either harm themselves or others. Sometimes both.
Take smoking. If people want to smoke, fine, it's up...
I don't think it's out of line at all FFG and I thank you for your contribution.
I wouldn't be surprised to discover that potential employers over here do similar and if I am honest, I'd have to admit that if I saw that a teacher was behaving completely unethically out of hours, I might have...
How much trans fats are in your foods?
What surprises me is that from what I can gather, labelling on food isn't done as a matter of course over there. Is that right? I do remember some of my US vegan chums telling me how difficult it was at...
But there will always be those that will argue that their rights are being taken away by the nanny state...yada yada yada - even if the aim is to make them more healthy. :eusa_doh:
As with others here, I like being able to pick and choose what I like from different eras, including the one we live in. I personally have no desire to decorate my home vintage stylee, neither do I want things in it that are going to make my life harder. Spend all day washing? No thank you -...
Even if you could, you'd only see one photo from the calendar anyway, Denise!
Much as I don't like it, I have to agree with you there. And it sucks (as you lot would say!!). But then, the alternative is often loud, brash, man-bashing females and men accusing them of being lesbians....as if...
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