Many thanks for the welcome and good wishes. I'm afraid I am not a footballing man, but back where I grew up it was traditional to support Norwich, with a strong minority option in favour of Ipswich. Where I went to University, the divide was between Newcastle and Sunderland...
I've been hanging around for a while and have made a few posts but haven't really introduced myself. As I'm about to ask the members for some advice I thought it was about time. My name, as per my username, is Anthony and I am British, pushing thirty, and have been a confirmed fan of...
You might find that a good laundry could do the trick for you (in terms of whitening the shirt); alternatively try a boil wash? I've had good results by scrubbing with laundry soap and others have recommended soaking in Napisan (yes, really), or sunbleaching in the traditional manner...
I tend to use a hair oil called Royal Yacht during the week and Pinaud Eau de Quinine at weekends. I occasionally use Brylcreem, largely to give myself a change. For the rare occasions when I go out in white or black tie I use Yardley's English Lavender Brilliantine.
These sound rather like Thurston's "combination" braces (at least in concept.) They are designed to allow you to switch between loop ends (for buttons) or clips, as need requires (hence the "combination".) Tie Rack here in the UK used to offer the design, as do Austin Reed.
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