Wide feet are the bane of fashion in general, not just vintage fashion.
I have 8W, would kill for a regular-width 6.
I would dearly love one of those teeny vintage waist measurments, but without the girdle!
I just bought the cutest argyle cardigan at Burlington Coat Factory for only 14 dollars. I love argyle.
I've decided to admit to myself I need more cardigans and in fact probably couldn't have too many if I tried. Right now I have white, black, my new argyle, which is gray with coral red and...
Not to cater to my own rather ethnically-specific childhood but Manishewitz dates to 1888 and while they've added new things, the matzo and wine are pretty much the same as the original recipe.
Also, one of my favourite candies says on their site: "Joyva Corporation was founded in 1907 by...
I definitely hold hands and kiss and stuff in public. That said, I mean, I think I'm the polar inverse of Lizzie as far as culture: I scream and hug and kiss and stuff with just friends that I know, too. Yankee reserve the who the what? ;)
I will tongue-kiss my guy in public. We're in a...
The liquor stores were closed on Sunday in PA until just a couple years ago. Car dealerships still are, I believe. You still can't buy beer in the grocery or anything crazy like that in PA.
They have Beeman's and Blackjack and I think one other flavor gum at my local grocery (Acme, but I think Acme is regional...?) in a thing that says "taste the nostalgia!" or something similar, I know the word nostalgia is involved, with a pin-up girl winking.
Neither my brother, or sister, or I ever dared to draw on the walls either, but I knew a lot of kids who did: the best story being my cousin, who was like 5... framed her infant sister...by signing the 1-year-old's name. lol
I was looking at vintage-style fancy ladies' hats with veils and feathers and so on... I really want one. They're not even expensive. They look good on me (I think.) It's just a question of where I'd wear it and the looks I'd get.
Oddly enough, mens' hats are no problem at all for me. I have...
Why can't a couple kids play in the street? I'm confused. Around here kids play in the street all the time...sometimes with whole field hockey goals they have to move when cars come.
Honestly I'd rather see kids playing outside no matter the weather than inside with their X-boxes and...
We get mostly the Sierra Club and groups like that.
I see more religious evangelizers on public transit than I do door-to-door, and the door-to-door ones are generally more polite.
I'm going to celebrate when we go from an apartment to our own home by painting all the interior walls with the Sherwin Williams historic paint! I just can't decide whether to go with their Streamlined Years or Suburban Modern lines... lol Whaddaya guys think?
I want a chihuahua, btw. Great...
Personally, not saying anyone else is wrong for choosing to live under a Homeowner's Association, but I could never live where I am owning, not renting, yet cannot paint or garden. To me, decorating and gardening and pet ownership are the most compelling reasons to give up being able to call the...
Shirin, if I clean out my inbox will you and pretty much anybody else who knows anything about belly dance PM me? I think I've made it PRETTY CLEAR how much of a newbie I am on that score and I would appreciate any and all tips/hints. Wandering over to bhuz now to look around.
Hmm, bhuz...
I don't think it's probably the greatest book ever put to paper but it has a lot of fairly clear photos and its very beginner (no beginners more beginner than I exist) and it was under seven dollars at Barnes and Noble.
Well they're on metric they sort of have to. :)
They do the same in Australia and I can work it out but the conversion takes me a mental moment... the first time I saw a gas-station I said to my guy "oh your gas prices aren't THAT bad..." and he was all "...baby, that's not in your gallons."...
I just got a pair of bright yellow/black striped knee-high wool socks...I'm thinking that necessitates going as either a witch, or a honeybee.
If I go as a witch, I have good shoes, the socks, a multitude of black outfit pieces to mix-and-match, and only need to buy the hat and maybe some...
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