I'm thankful that even after having a bad weekend and being doped up on pain killers and being a pain in the rear to my good friend and bombarding him with text messages on his phone he is still talking to me and still my friend!!!:D
Since Im tatted, of course my daughter thinks positively of tats (the 14 yo). And since she is musically inclined hers is of music, she has thought of something similiar at one point. She has also thought of getting music note on her hip bone. So its something that only she will know she...
I still need to pick up paper and pencil and get to crackin. But a few weeks ago I went hiking to clear my mind and had my cam with me and snapped a few pics, I thought a few of them turned out rather nice.
PS so pretty! I love the shape of your top lip (yes an odd comment coming from a straight woman! lol) my sister always tells me she loves my full lips, but I love lip shapes like yours!
I used the smaller rods on my daughters naturally curly hair and the end results were shirly temple type curls. Rolled early in the day because of thickness. After brushing out she had a fro, which is what I was aiming for for 70s day at school.
I've always been a loner. Even at work, when I am a worker and not a foreman, I prefer working by myself, people just annoy me. Of course I think its just the people I work with lol I also have my phases where I wish I were with people more often and when I make an effort to try to be, the...
Ok, I also have been self conscious most of my life...I think its part of being the over looked baby child curse.[huh] I have a friend I flirt with at work, just for flirtings sake, to pass time etc. If you have a male friend who you are comfortable with, they are great practice! Some people...
The thing with the 23 yo fizzled out in the planning stages, I think he decided 33 was to old lol.
I don't look for people in "leagues" lol, if I did then I wouldnt have half the friends or aquantices (spelling) that I do, and usually the male end of those started out as a crush anyway...
tarantula clothing co!!!!
Here is a link to there sight, through another site which offers free shipping domestic for purchases over 150. I saw them while working the MAGIC show (have today off). What caught my eye, besides th repro vintage, was that they had a bigger gal as a model...
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