New (1 month old) iPhone 8gig with new black iPhone Xylo T2 Jet-Black touch through case (the only full coverage case available for the iPhone) all cords, jacks, chargers, and headphones included.
Asking $425 or best offer.
(listing for a friend of mine)
He's leaving AT&T, so the...
It sucks cuz we're good friends and work together alot to boot. GRR. Plus he has been anti-social lately, so communications have been scarse and sporadic. GRR.
Greatest American Hero
I love the RTN channel. (retro television network)
Lets me go back to my childhood. All the old tv shows. So good, so good.
I used to pretend I could fly, but better than Ralph, of course.
wii fit
I got the wii fit a few days ago, 4 to be precise and have been using that. I love it. It tells your wieght, bmi. The longer you use it the more "credits" you earn and it opens up other programs to use on the game system. Totally cool and fun. I have also been using the wii sports...
I hate crushes! GRRRRR!!!
why's mine gotta be so freakin nice and so anti date mode?
He drives me nuts, but I like him so much. I think I'm going to wind up being stuck in the friend category forever before he decides he wants to date ppl again instead of roamning. ok, pity party over.
I call the offspring:
lol, all affectionately, of course and they know it!
I call my sister "sissy" and actually the offspring have started to refer to each other that way.
I call one of my...
Nice.....and I'm not being biased cuz you said you were in W VA.....
country roads take me home...ok, so I havent been there since 2 weeks after I was born...but I still have family there. lol
how doyou make a crying noise??
I am so sad....I'm only seeing post up until march now, even though it says this thread has new posts, and that (if I remember correctly) freebird posted just a little while ago.:(
Faith (not faythe I just think it looks purty)
Gee. Awhole bunch of songs have my name, but not being used as my name thought. lol In Jr High School I used to say that George Micaels song "gotta have faith" was for me, but I told him, no he is just a tad to old for me. lol
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