And here's what was going on 64 years ago this month-
February 1944 was a decisive time for Allied air command. With long-range escorts the heavies could now breath easier and put the debacle of the October 1943 Schweinfurt raid behind them but it would still be tough going...
Smithy- of course the Germans knew the structures were for a defensive purpose as was everything erected an the coast. Since German radar was in it's infancy Luftwaffe pilots made no connection having never seen their own.
And I have been told that an skeletal tower is a very hard target...
1- Since GB was the main colonialist at the time and previously, well yeah, recovering from the war kept any new colonial assets from being gained but in places like the Middle East and India the Brits were quite capable of keeping a lid on things.
2- Look at the ethnic make up of...
There are only 4 U boats existing in the world with a 5th being restored.:( Cutting an already restored one up is like imagining there were just 4 Dusenbergs left and some museum decided to cut one into pieces for schmucks to view easier.
The fur could be rabbit which is cheap and plentiful. Maybe Nutria. Certainly some hats are fur as noted by the Bogart hats stated in wool and fur priced accordingly. Brims on these are right where they should be 2 1/4 and 2 3/8 inches.:) Guess the only way to see their quality is for...
I'd agree that wool use in clothing and head wear is about as old as the domestication of sheep.
BTW there's no need to be fur snobs or anti-wool elitists. 99.999%+ of the people you encounter have absolutely no idea what fedoras are made of and don't care.[huh]
And a thanks to Sam Halpert. Without his and his brothers in arms help we would not be where we are today. Thanks to the women who handily took over many back breaking jobs on the home front of manufacturing so the men could do their jobs.
Today I relate that I write articles about WW II...
What a cop out to cut it up! The Chicago Museum of Science and Technology has an identical Type IXc sub that is an integral part of their exibits instead of a rusting afterthought cut up.
They'd be far better off to just sell the whole boat to...
The "innovations and advancements" in the world's aircraft industry alone was immense. In 6 years it went from biplanes on the front lines to jets. And aerial weaponry similarly advanced with rifle caliber guns of .30 caliber culminating in devestating quartets of 30 mm cannon.
Yeah that's what I meant, photo captions. It's as though a huge box of photos was found with no explanations on them. Curious, historical but no exact detail:(
I perused the site Sam and it is full of interesting stuff. I wrote this a few years ago about Schweinfurt that you may or may not find amusing-
Two months later the Mustangs would have made a difference. Four months later there would have been four P-51B groups with men...
If you don't record these sessions they'll be lost to time and bad memory. I've interviewed lots of pilots and others for articles but a recorder is a must. I'm not kidding, do it! These guys don't mind talking about their experiences repeatedly. Take advantage!
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