You curled your hair with a flat iron? The thingie that is supposed to straighten your hair? I am confused how you would do that.
Grats on the plunge! Did you donate your hair to locks of love?
Jackie, the armpit to armpit measurement is 21 inches flat, which means you double it to find the true measurement. That means the bust of the dress is about 42 inches. If you double the waist, that would be a measurement of 40 inches. These measurements would be close to a 12 modern, I...
I second Rocket Fire Red, I LOVE it. That is the color that I have been doing my hair since Christmas, and I never stick with a color for more than a month lol I don't know if you can see how red the color is in my avatar. I think I had just recently gotten it dyed in that picture, so it...
BigMan, thanks! My hubby said that the guy sounded inexperienced, perhaps we will call again. Thank you!
Oh, wow! Duh! Why didn't I think of that? It is the same number every time, great idea! Thanks!!!!
As for the calls you get for the church, I used to get similar calls. Some...
lol Too funny, Lizzie. We are the opposite here. We put the important stuff first, because we have so much public participation that often the end of the agendas get cut off. Meetings often go to 10 or 11 at night. So, since I am planning staff, if I want my item to actually get...
Thanks, guys. I am glad that I am not just completely missing something obvious. For now, I think I will put the phone on vibrate, and let my mom know to phone the hubby late at night, for emergencies :)
And it has been interesting to hear from Caledonia and Begin that maybe it isn't as...
We called verizon, and they can't look up any information about incomming calls that have occured during the current billing cycle. We have to wait until the next billing cycle for them to get any information about the originating number.
I would turn my phone off (I often forget and leave...
I am hoping that someone here may be able to help shed some light on some strange calls I have been getting lately. At very odd hours, I get calls to my cell phone from a six digit phone number: 310-007. It sounds like the person doesn't know they have connected to my voice mail...
Ana, what does RTW stand for? Where will the trip take you? You will be backpacking? Sorry, I guess RTW has a specific connotation associated with it that don't know :p
First :eusa_clap Then, yeah, me too. I am an Army brat, my Dad was in for 22, he was a Chaplain's Assistant. I learned respect for the men who wore the berets. Outstanding men. A bit OT, but we had a green beret that was friends with the family, and he sure was dashing to an 8 year old...
Build a birdhouse together?
There may be an intro to wood working class offered for a night or two that could be interesting. Basic photography course?
Attend a book reading at a local book store. Even the big chain stores sometimes have authors visit and lecture.
Volunteer together...
Sunny, hope you don't mind, I quoted myself so I don't have to type it all again, I am lazy lol Here are more details
I use Nivea's Alcohol Free Toner to remove the residue from the cold cream. I then use Oil of Olay's Night Moisturizing Cream
In the morning I use Ponds Pristine Clean in...
Hard water is usually caused by the source of water flowing through limestone deposits. Limestone is just deposited and compacted calcium carbonate - dead little diatoms and what not from millions of years ago. As the water flows over and through the limestone, some of the calcium is dissolved...
Miss Dottie - Thanks! The hubby took it while out hiking. He takes great pictures of me! I turned around on the trail to look at him, and the sun lit my face that way, and he took the picture. I thought it was interesting :o
I wear a lot of classic, vintage-inspired modern clothing. I...
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