Depends on whether facial hair suits the individual. What might look good on one person, may look awful on someone else. Sideburns for example can be a tricky one. Some guys look alright, but depends. Not big on those heavy duty bushy sideburn. Hmmm...handle-bar moustaches - no way!lol
My mum got me into Foyle's War. It's quite good-especially the costumes!
Off topic, but i'm enjoying watching Agatha Christie's dramas on the ABC as well.
I know a guy that seems to have been born in one. It's almost his signature look. Wifebeater at dance class, at every social gig, wifebeater with different images on them. :eusa_doh: sheesh.
I can't believe i found this thread. It bugs me too that leads don't bother to ask you. They just want to look good and show off all the time. My friend is good, if he spots friends sitting around he'll ask them. It's nice to have a guy ask you, rather than me ask and feel desperate. I know so...
A vintage seller was telling me that the girls back then didn't wear or avoided having the skirts/dresses too full on during the day. I guess that means not wearing those big petticoats under the skirt. In the evening it's a different story. Personally I don't see why you can't wear them during...
Thanks for posting those links. The Diva is really nice. I like that "sweetheart" shape at the bust. The corsets in Aust are so expensive. :(
Found these places:
In Australia:
In the U.S.
I've seen my share of idiots on the dance floor, but not a dreadlocked one. I'd like to see that! lol
Mind you, you don't need to be into the "grunge" look to be stinky! There's nothing worse than any kind of dancer with BO and bad "vintage" breath!:( lol
Can you post picts of your zoots? or direct me to another thread you have posted in. ;)
I saw a guy wearing one last year, it was cool, but not sure who he was.
A friend of mine collects Tikis. He has a great collection. I have one Tiki that my parents brought back from their trip to Hawaii in the 60's. Unfortunately it's little companion was smashed accidently by my mum cleaning.:(
I don't collect Tikis, but I can appreciate them.
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