Man, I am so envious of ladies who can buy open or peep-toed shoes. It's not that I can't wear them, it's just that I can't wear them to work. And it irks me to buy shoes if I can't wear them to work, money being what it is.
I hate OSHA.:mad:
Interesting; I had no idea it was a real town. I read a little about this "New Urbanist" movement, and it seems, well, a bit...Stepford. I do like the idea of making communities "walkable", though. I'd love to live somewhere that I could walk downtown every day, but I'm sure that there are towns...
Ahhh!! :eek:
Some woman was in my B&N today looking to order that thing. I couldn't believe it- I thought it was a humor book, but alas, it is in earnest... We had to try to get it through the Used & Out of Print area on, but no one had it. Hopefully it will remain that way... for now.
No clue, hon... I'd bet that it was an answer to an interview question somewhere. Keep poking around, you'll find it- especially seeing as how it's rather a timely quote. Happy hunting!
I watched The Truman Show the other night; haven't seen it in awhile. Whenever I see it, though, I always think, "Where can I live someplace like that? Sign me up!"
I believe the accurate quote is "Actors who get into politics should remember what happened to John Wilkes Booth". I don't know where it came from, though. As far as I know, it was just something said by Tracy, not a film or anything scripted.
Very cool- I just wish that they had Dixie Dugan. Her original look was inspired by Louise Brooks, and I've never found it anywhere.
It's funny; I remember running for the paper every Sunday morning to get the comics. My son, I'm pretty sure, doesn't even know that they exist. Kinda sad...
Absolutely. She is a miraculous woman. She has accepted her age gracefully, and is all the better for it. She should give lessons to the Botox/surgery-obsessed actresses out there now...
I actually just found out tonight that Proctors Theater (an old local theater) is running Safety Last with Harold Lloyd on May 27th. I've never seen it with a live audience, and it's being run with live organ accompaniment. Can't wait. :D
Just watched Road to Perdition; I have somehow managed not to see it until now. Beautiful film, amazing cinematography. I think I shall have to read the graphic novel now...
Yeah, I'm very nervous about the haul upstairs. The stairwells in my building are pretty wide, though, so we have that on our side. It'll be interesting, at least...
Agreed. Whenever I watch this, I get a feeling, almost like I can't breathe. It truly is underrated. My son, who is 15, loves it as well, but I think that has more to do with Jennifer Connelly singing Sway than anything else...
The woman at the store said that I could use it for my "cashmere sweaters". Of course- I have dozens of the pesky things lying around...
Interesting. I'm glad someone has seen it before. I guess it's on the unique side! It goes a long way to show how much thought went into the building of...
Wear your boaters, gentlemen!!
Seriously, I love these hats. A man in a boater is a man unafraid of comment, and that's a lovely thing- a very attractive quality...
Plus, they remind me of Harold Lloyd.:D
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