Cherry Lips - you are such a cutie! I really like Mac's Lady Danger on you!
Odalisque - Thanks for showing a pic of the Carmine, it looks similar to Victoria Secret's Cuba Cabana (or something like that) that I already have which is kinda what I was expecting. It does look quite nice on you...
Thanks, I have seen it as well, but I am not fond of some of the other sample colors, so I would like to get a full size lippie (just to have the lip holder). Has anyone bought a sample pack or Carmine itself and willing to show a pic? :)
I got some! They had them at Walmart but not walgreens or rite aid, oh well! I think if anyone is looking for them, look everywhere the goody products are sold.
Lolita thanks for the advise, I really LOVE the fanci-ful, it has really helped! I love the Betty look you have for your next tutorial, what a bummer it didn't record though :(
Schatzi your hair looks great!
Here is a pretty good video on the history of makeup (part 2 -40's-70's) with some products shown!
Here is the link:
I have recently ( a few months back) bleached my hair trying to get the platinum look, but I have straw-like ends, platinum near the roots, and the dark roots coming in!
I have tried the Quicklite and it seems to damage my hair more so than other powder bleaches, any suggestions? Also, with a...
Thanks Lolita! Your hair always looks so amazing! Can I ask, with the toner do you apply it to the mixture (bleach and developer) or after? I recently bleached mine and am fighting to get it platinum! I have some straw-like tones and platinum near the roots, and now the dark roots coming in...
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