Hmm, just an aside, but I don't really think that's true at all! I remember hearing about my dad putzing around Ecuador, having a good time until he was at least 27. He didn't get his career started until he was 29.
Now kids have to be in 10 different clubs, have perfect SAT scores, play a...
Yup, and 90% of the time my phone is on silent anyway, so I don't even have to hear it ring. :) I just call people back whenever I feel like it.
I grew up with all this technology, so I don't mind it. I don't wholly embrace it though, and I'm not going to get an iPhone until they are...
My parents married when they were 32/33. My grandparents on my mom's side got married in their very early 20's. My dad's mom had him when she was 18, but I'm not sure if she was married at the time.
I plan on marrying no earlier than 28. I still have so much to experience on my own before I...
This is my vintage partner in crime:
Right now we are currently not dating, but had been for 3 years. We broke things off amicably and thus are in some weird dating but not dating limbo! :) Usually he dresses a lot more casually, like classic rockabilly or greaser style. As you can see...
Shelley, you actually met my best friend! The girl with me at the Vintage Expo, Lisette, and I have been friends since we were 16. I've only recently considered her to be my best friend, but she's been so important to me for as long as I've known her. We met at an arts summer program. She's...
Has anyone tried using those Biore porestrips after they use the OCM? I've been doing that every now and then and it's amazing the gunk that comes out! Before, even though I had clogged pores, the porestrips wouldn't do anything because everything was so stubborn and stuck in. Now it's almost...
1987! So I'm a youngin' still. At least I can legally drink now!
As an 80's girl, Dhermann1, I'm really into the 40's. I love the glamour of it all. I enjoy good manners and chivalry (as long as it isn't overbearing), but I act very, very differently from the women of the 40's. I see the...
Well, I don't know about dressing up, but I always do my hair vintage! It matches my hooded sweatshirt perfectly. ;)
I'll be voting before class today. Hopefully I'll be going when most everyone else is at work/in class so the lines won't be too long for me. Yay, I'm excited! First time...
My friend actually said she noticed the decrease in Halloween-ness occur after 9/11, so maybe that's why you Canadians lucked out! It sounds like you had a really great night! :)
Thanks for posting that. I don't think I could ever shoot a gun, but my ex and his friends like to go shooting, so gun safety is really important to me! Just holding a gun scared the hell outta me -- those things are powerful and people need to learn to respect that!
My friends and I were actually discussing recently how Halloween doesn't seem to be a big holiday anymore for kids. Hardly anyone decorated their houses and I didn't really see or hear about any trick-or-treaters. I thought it was just because it's hard to get into the spirit of things in LA...
I have alterations made on the majority of my vintage pieces. I'm rather petite and very short-waisted, so all of my dresses (except for the ones with "Teen" or "Junior" in the label) have to be altered in order for them to be wearable. Personally, since I buy these pieces to wear, I don't feel...
I love Halloween! Tonight I'm going to Universal Studios Horror Nights thing, where they make the whole place spooky and have a Leatherface maze (eek!) and people running around scaring you. I'm probably gonna pee my pants!
A lot of my friends are going to West Hollywood, so perhaps if it's...
Check out flea markets and estate sales in your area! Even snoop through all the photo albums you find at thrift stores (sometimes there are still pictures in them). Old photos can be expensive sometimes depending on type (such as daguerreotypes), but if you just want snapshots you can often...
Some of these might be repetitive, but I've finally gotten around to digitally scanning my negatives, so I might as well post them! I hope the size doesn't offend!
The screen of the lap top I've been editing these on hasn't been calibrated, so I don't know if the colors are appearing...
What bugs me is that more than half the people who say 'hello' to me these days are men more than twice my age with ulterior motives (not that I'm saying you're one of them!). I'm sure that's a change from the past too. :/
Right now I'm trying to find the time to read Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions by James Randi. It's a fun book in which Randi debunks a lot of superstitions and pseudoscience. I listen to the podcast "The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe" (
That's the kind of "patriotism" I believe in. I love my country, but I know we have a heck of a lot of flaws. I'm not going to turn a blind eye to the things happening that I don't like, just because I love where I live. If anything, dissent is patriotic -- it means you want to make your country...
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